
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

The text below is a series of fragments from the interview that former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen gave to CRONICILE Curs de guvernare magazine – at a time when the North Atlantic Alliance is facing serious...
3 iunie, 2019
Romania ranked fourth in the second half of last year in the EU in terms of price increase in natural gas provided to the population, according to data released by Eurostat. With an increase of 16.3%, we ranked...
27 mai, 2019
The volatility of the new benchmark indicator for loans granted to the population, IRCC – which declined in May, despite the central bank’s control on liquidity – was one of the topics debated by the Board of Directors...
27 mai, 2019
Relatively recently joined the functional market economies club, although it has multiple pending development (not just economic) issues, Romania looked around and chose a poisonous mix of reduced incomes in terms of GDP share, specific to the Anglo-Saxon...
20 mai, 2019
Gross Domestic Product for the first quarter of 2019 increased by 5% in real terms compared to the same period of the previous year (5.1% adjusted by seasonality, which will be communicated to Eurostat for comparability with other...
20 mai, 2019
Simply put, data recorded over time in the monthly budget implementation published by the Ministry of Finance indicate a share of staff costs in total budget expenditure somewhere around 20% after the decrease forced by circumstances (to be...
13 mai, 2019
Germany (16.9%), France (11.7%) and Italy (9.5%) are the countries with the largest share in Romania’s economy by the number of employees in 80,905 groups of enterprises, according to data processed and published by INS for 2017. Along...
13 mai, 2019
The general consolidated budget recorded, after the first two months of 2019, a deficit of about RON 5.5 billion, equivalent to 0.54% of the GDP estimated for the current year. This result is weaker than in the same...
6 mai, 2019
The „European Funds Champion” failed in tricking the European Commission Romania lost to the European Court of Justice a lawsuit against the European Commission because it challenged too late before the European Court an initial decision that the...
6 mai, 2019
Romania’s economy climbed to 15th position within the European Union, according to data published by Eurostat on 2018 related to GDP expressed in euro (nominal values). After outpacing Greece in 2017, last year, we also surpassed another economy...
22 aprilie, 2019
In a full economic advance, governments in power in the last years have chosen to redirect the money for investments towards measures of increasing wages in the public sector and pensions, with an impact on Romania’s economic growth...
22 aprilie, 2019
Romania ranks fourth among the EU member states in terms of foreign-controlled enterprises’ added value share in the national economy, according to a recently concluded analysis published by Eurostat. With a level of 44%, we are right behind...
15 aprilie, 2019
Consumer prices for the population increased by 0.49% in March 2019, which is significantly below the previous months but higher than in the same month of the previous year (+ 0.29%). Annual inflation climbed to the threshold of...
15 aprilie, 2019
Direct damages caused by the „greed ordinance” are currently measured in many billions of euros, according to estimates of affected companies and independent analysts. Damages could have easily been avoided: if the Minister of Finance and the Prime...
8 aprilie, 2019
2017 was an exceptional year for Romanian companies system in terms of profitability and registered a general margin of 8%. Statistics also show that the profitability margin of foreign-owned companies is close to half the margin declared by...
8 aprilie, 2019
Authorities have borrowed EUR 3 billion from foreign markets yesterday to finance the current year’s deficit. Much: both for one day and in general. A thing that should make us think about how revenues are made in our...
31 martie, 2019
According to data released by Eurostat, half of the EU member countries concentrate 70% of Romania’s deficit in foreign exchanges registered in 2018, which reflects a major competitiveness deficit. Somehow surprisingly, the top two positions in the ranking...
31 martie, 2019
Projects in Romania have received funding of a total of EUR 676 million from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (FEIS), according to a report released on Thursday by the European Commission’s Representation. These FEIS projects would generate...
24 martie, 2019
  The number of active accounts at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) fell by more than 27% from the fall of 2016 until June 30, 2018, according to the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) reports. Latest ASF data show...
24 martie, 2019
The tax on bank assets, called the „tax on greed” by OUG 114 authors who imposed it, may reduce the economic growth by 0.6-1.1 percentage points, according to the impact study that Florin Georgescu, First Vice-governor of the...
18 martie, 2019


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