
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

Hourly labour costs grew by 13.09% in the fourth quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017, according to data announced by INS. This rhythm is in a slight decline compared to 13.91% recorded in the...
11 martie, 2019
Bulgarian tax authorities, which have successfully implemented a modernization program with World Bank’s support, a program that Romania abandoned after six years of delays and extensions, have clearly superior results to our domestic tax authority in terms of...
11 martie, 2019
The general consolidated budget ended the first month of 2019 with a surplus of RON 717 million or 0.07% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data published by the Ministry of Finance. The result...
3 martie, 2019
Sources close to talks with the World Bank have stated for that the Finance Ministry notified the financial institution in November 2018 that it does not want any longer to complete the ANAF reform project started in...
3 martie, 2019
Officially published statistical data reveals a massive paradox: Romania is the country that can register a robust year-on-year growth based on a construction sector which is on a downward trend. We chose 2014 as a reference basis for...
25 februarie, 2019
As Romanian authorities raise obstacles in Laura Codruta Kovesi’s rally at the European Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), European officials and leading EU political leaders, from right-wing to left-wing parties, express their support for her. Laura Codruta Kovesi is a...
25 februarie, 2019
Foreign direct investment (FDI) and expectations regarding the demand have a positive influence on capital accumulation in Romania, while uncertainties play an inhibiting role, especially on investments planned by small and medium or young companies. In the case...
17 februarie, 2019
  Romania ranks second to last among EU states in terms of national gross minimum wage, according to data published by Eurostat, at a level of EUR 446. Bulgaria (EUR 286) and Latvia (EUR 430) are behind us...
11 februarie, 2019
Although at first glance it is difficult to draft them, Romania’s public budgets are, in fact, a series of indicators and lists of revenues and expenditures that are not going to have anything to do with the reality....
11 februarie, 2019
ANAF’s new president, Mihaela Triculescu, handed over to the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis – CNSP the power to decide what companies are to be audited by tax authority’s inspectors on grounds that they pose a high...
4 februarie, 2019
Romania is clearly distinguishing itself within the EU in terms of current account deficit evolution, with the second highest current account deficit in 2017 and a steady upward trend since 2014, according to data updated by Eurostat in...
28 ianuarie, 2019
  The opinion issued in December by the Legislative Council on Ordinance 114 (which establishes, among other things, the „tax on greed”) contains no less than 23 pages of comments and proposals and asks for amending the text....
28 ianuarie, 2019
According to Eurostat, Romania ranked in 2018 among lagging countries that use robots in industrial processes or in services, with a proportion of 3% of companies, along with Estonia, Greece, Lithuania and Hungary. The smallest percentage, less relevant...
28 ianuarie, 2019
Romania equalled the UK at the top of European countries in terms of negative balance on the current account to GDP in the third quarter of 2018, with 1.5% (in nominal terms, EUR -3.2 billion for us and...
21 ianuarie, 2019
Romania will see in 2019 the highest increase in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in 10-year government bond yields due to the adverse effects of the „Teodorovici Ordinance”. The prospect is exacerbated by the fact that the...
21 ianuarie, 2019
National gross average salary income for November 2018 was RON 4,658, 2.8% more than in the previous month, according to INS data. National nominal net average income increased by 2.6% to 2,792 lei, reaching the RON 600 threshold...
21 ianuarie, 2019
INS recalculated GDP in the third quarter and the first three quarters of the year. Here are the growth data for the Romanian economy, updated in the provisional version 2, with the observation that the initially communicated growth...
14 ianuarie, 2019
The estimates by economists of most important banks in Romania on the depreciation of the local currency for this year range between 4.73 and 4.77 RON/euro. The depreciation of the Romanian Leu in the past few days is...
14 ianuarie, 2019
Final energy consumption of Romanian industry declined by about 75% between 1990 and 2016, compared to only 25% at the EU level, according to data released by Eurostat. From 25.3 Mtoe right after the regime change in 1989,...
14 ianuarie, 2019
The trade deficit on November 2018 was EUR 1.567 billion, the second worst monthly performance registered last year. Worryingly, the growth rate of exports compared to the same month of 2017 fell to only 2.7%, the lowest value...
14 ianuarie, 2019


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