
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

Romania entered the world’s top 20 countries that are source of migrants, with over 3.4 million citizens living in another country, according to UN estimates of migration in 2015. At European level, Romania went up on the 4th...
30 septembrie, 2016
Within a Europe where the EU members seem to line-up based on their national interests, despite the calls for cohesion launched by Jean Claude Junker, the President of the European Commission, Romania seeks the proximity to the ‘core’...
26 septembrie, 2016
After analysing the signal data, the National Statistics Institute confirmed on Tuesday the economic growth of 5% in the first half of this year, as compared to the same period of the previous year (seasonally adjusted value for...
23 septembrie, 2016
An analysis made by Eurostat based on the final GDP values for the recent years provides a big surprise for us. Romania is ranked in the first half of the list containing 25 countries for which data were...
23 septembrie, 2016
In the first half of 2016, the volume of retail trade turnover (except of motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased by 18% in gross series as compared to the same period of last year (16.8%, adjusted series depending on...
21 septembrie, 2016


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