
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

The Romanian mergers and acquisitions market reached nearly EUR 2 billion in 2018, according to a Deloitte Romania analysis based on public sources and transactions with reported value. Taking into account transactions whose value was not communicated, the...
14 ianuarie, 2019
The economic growth on the first three quarters of 2018 was 4.2%, both in gross series and the seasonally adjusted series, according to data published by the INS in the first provisional version, which confirms the signal data....
10 decembrie, 2018
Romania ranked penultimate among EU member states in 2017 in terms of budget revenues share of GDP, according to Eurostat data. With only 25.8%, our country had a share above only Ireland (23.5%), but in the context that...
10 decembrie, 2018
Hourly labour costs grew by 13.91% in the third quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017 (+1.53% compared to Q2 2018), according to INS data. It is a slight decrease compared to the previous quarter...
10 decembrie, 2018
According to Eurostat, Romania observed 13 of the 14 indicators set for the scoreboard of the macroeconomic situation in the EU member states last year. The other countries that have reached this level of compliance were Poland, Sweden,...
27 noiembrie, 2018
Romania insists on staying on the penultimate position among the European Union member states in terms of R & D expenditure in 2017, according to data published by Eurostat. With just 0.5% of GDP, slightly higher than in...
27 noiembrie, 2018
Romania continued in 2017 to be the EU member country with the largest share of children in poverty or at risk of social exclusion, according to data provided by Eurostat. With a proportion of 41.7%, we have maintained...
27 noiembrie, 2018
The current account of the balance of payments recorded in the first nine months of this year a deficit of EUR 6.62 billion, about 39% higher than the same period of the previous year. To be noted, the...
19 noiembrie, 2018
Nearly half of public investment that burdens this year’s statistics have been made by the Ministry of National Defence (MApN), according to the detailed data on the budget implementation in nine and ten months. In the absence of...
19 noiembrie, 2018
The number of robots in the Romanian industry has increased to 18 robots per 10,000 employees (2017), according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) report 2018. Compared to the previous report, the number of robots in Romania...
19 noiembrie, 2018
The state demands increasingly higher dividends from reserves and previous results of Romgaz and Transgaz, even though their profits in the first nine months of 2018 have significantly declined compared to the same period last year. The two...
19 noiembrie, 2018
The employment rate of Romanian population aged between 20 and 64 years was 68.8% last year, according to data released by Eurostat. This figure was significantly below the EU average of 72.2% and the lowest in the region...
12 noiembrie, 2018
The living standard in Romania increased significantly due to an accelerated wage convergence compared to the EU average and the stagnation in price convergence toward the same average – official data on the 2014-2017 period show. But this...
12 noiembrie, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) has maintained the inflation forecast for the end of 2018 at 3.5% but has raised the forecast for 2019 from 2.7% to 2.9% under the pressure of the administered prices, labour market...
12 noiembrie, 2018
Eurostat has published the most recent data of EU member states on median net income by household. Romania ranks last in 2017, with only EUR 2,742, much behind Bulgaria (EUR 3,588) and at a far distance from the...
5 noiembrie, 2018
According to OECD data, net pension wealth in Romania (calculated for 2016) was 8.3, a value significantly below the average of 12.3 recorded at the EU level but on a par with Ireland (with which we also share...
5 noiembrie, 2018
For four years now, net wage growth has been much higher than productivity and, as employers’ earnings have not increased with the wage advance disproportion has moved to Romania’s foreign payments. If the employer, whether private or state-owned,...
5 noiembrie, 2018
The National Commission for the establishment of the National Plan for the Adoption of Euro advanced as synthetic benchmarks for the adoption of the single European currency an average annual economic growth rate of 4%, in order to...
29 octombrie, 2018
(Photo: Craftsmen of ANAF reform) „Activities of this project have been suspended in the last 12 months, and the Bank has not settled any further payments” – this is the official announcement of the World Bank regarding the...
29 octombrie, 2018
After a successful public finance adjustment before the colleagues within the Eastern bloc, Romania went back significantly toward the budget deficit threshold despite the steady economic growth in the last two years (-2.9% in 2016 and 2017, after...
29 octombrie, 2018


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