
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

Romania remains the weakest innovator in the EU, with a score in last year’s indicator ranking at only 31.6% of the EU’s average performance, according to 2020 Innovation Scoreboard. Our country is the only Member State with a...
28 iunie, 2020
According to March 2020 data, the EC Convergence Report for Romania points out that the long-term interest rate for convergence purposes was 1.5 percentage points above the benchmark of 2.9% obtained based on the average of 0.9% recorded...
22 iunie, 2020
The European Commission is doubling its efforts to show that Europe has learned the lessons of the past and will avoid now, after the „Great Isolation”, the mistakes made during the „Great Recession”. According to Euractiv, proposals to...
7 iunie, 2020
Rating agency Standard & Poor’s has confirmed the ratings for Romania at ‘BBB minus / A-3’ and maintained the negative outlook. This rating maintains Romania in the range recommended for foreign investments, in the context that prospects of...
7 iunie, 2020
This article was written on April 15 and has appeared in the May 2020 issue of the publication “Cronicile Curs de Guvernare”. As such, it does not reflect the recent Franco-German initiative, of May 2020, which goes some...
3 iunie, 2020
The general consolidated budget registered for the first four months of the current year a deficit of almost RON27 billion, equivalent to 2.48% of GDP estimated for the current year after taking into account the effects of the...
1 iunie, 2020
Covid is a curse which helps the Romanian economy: it opens no new roads for us but closes the old ones and forces us to build others, in the (hopefully) right direction. However, as the subject of resetting...
1 iunie, 2020
According to the data communicated by the NIS, in January 2020, Romania registered a new decrease in monthly industrial production, by -2.4% in gross series and -3.1% in adjusted series compared to the same month of the previous...
16 martie, 2020
Dacia-Renault presented its „show car” Dacia Spring, „which prefigures the first 100% electric model of this brand” and will enter series production in 2021, according to a statement issued by the company. „This show car prefigures a mini...
9 martie, 2020
With current data and based on the legislation already adopted, Romania’s public debt is forecasted to reach 91.2% of GDP, according to the analysis of sustainability and financial risks recently presented by the European Commission within the European...
9 martie, 2020
The progress in the development of Romanian infrastructure networks of utilities and roads is too slow compared to the needs and our neighbours’ progress, as shown only by the maps of these networks and cross-border interconnections. Major projects...
2 martie, 2020
The administrative capping of energy prices through OUG 114/2018 contributed to a decrease of approximately 24% of the cumulative net profit of the largest electricity and natural gas producers, in 2019 compared to 2018, up to RON 3.7...
2 martie, 2020
One of the major struggles regarding the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework refers to the level of cohesion funds to be allocated to member countries in the period 2021-2027. The reason why the matter is so important for...
24 februarie, 2020
The yield of long-term Romanian government bonds was 4.28% in January 2020, according to Eurostat data. That is well above all the other states of the European Union and far from the European average of just 0.51% in...
24 februarie, 2020
Net subscriptions in Romanian mutual funds (the difference between invested and withdrawn amounts) became again positive in 2019 after they had been negative in 2018. Romanians invested from their savings by RON 1.897 billion more in mutual funds...
10 februarie, 2020
Romgaz (SNG) announced the start of production in the deep area of Caragele deposit (Buzau), the biggest discovered in the last 30 years and one of the few new ones put into commercial service in the last period....
10 februarie, 2020
Romania managed again to stand out at the EU level by recording the highest level of the public deficit in the third quarter of 2019, namely -4.9% of GDP. For reference, we mention that France (-2.5%), Hungary (-2.2%)...
26 ianuarie, 2020
According to data provided by INS, in November 2019 Romania recorded a new alarming decrease in monthly industrial production at the level of the negative share of -7.7%, the same as in the previous month (compared to which...
19 ianuarie, 2020
Almost 600,000 Romanian children and young people aged between 0 and 19 years, that is 12.6% of the total Romanian people in this age group, were living in 2018 in other EU member states. Romania ranks first in...
19 ianuarie, 2020
On Thursday, the appointed Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, presented to colleagues from the National Office the document that he will submit to the Parliament, which contains the measures he considers in case that his government will be sworn....
28 octombrie, 2019

The Monkey in its Labyrinth

Covid is a curse which helps the Romanian economy: it opens no new roads for us but closes the old ones and forces us to

The Monkey in its Labyrinth

Covid is a curse which helps the Romanian economy: it opens no new roads for us but closes the old ones and forces us to


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