
16 iulie, 2024

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* Share of expense groups in total business travel expenses and private travel expenses, in Q1 2017 Other   Healthcare expenses              Recreation      Shopping         Transportation Restaurants and bars             Accommodation * Foreign tourists’ spending in Romania amounted...
18 iunie, 2017
* Budget deficit, cash    Budget deficit, ESA    Structural deficit * We made a memory effort and sought to see the budget commitments for the current year. Taken directly from the source, they look like in the table below,...
18 iunie, 2017
Key points: The question is not whether Romania’s ambiguous foreign policy, pro-American and pro-European, is correct and should be continued, for any lucid and minimally prepared mind can confirm this, but whether in the long run there might...
15 iunie, 2017
Romania ranks 54th in a global ranking of the complexity of financial and accounting regulations faced by foreign companies in another country. The last position (94) represents the lightest environment and is held by the Cayman Islands, according...
12 iunie, 2017
The Parliament approved on Wednesday the new unitary pay law, but the evolution of the bill from initiation and communication stages to the final vote is not reassuring at all for the taxpayer. The proof stays not only...
12 iunie, 2017
The net wage increases generated by the unitary pay law will be neutralized, at least in the first year, by the transfer to the employee of all social contributions as of 1 January 2018. That means that much...
12 iunie, 2017
Romania is the European country where the largest number of jobs will be lost following the automation – about 61.93% of the current jobs, draws the attention the National Bank of Romania, in the first Financial Stability Report...
4 iunie, 2017
The turnover of the software and IT services sector increased by 11.3% in 2016 compared to 2015 and will exceed the EUR 4 billion threshold this year, according to the research „Software and IT Services in Romania 2017”,...
4 iunie, 2017
Credit institutions have tightened credit standards for the population in the first quarter of 2017 for both consumer credit and home and land loans (mortgage loans), according to the lending survey conducted by the National Bank of Romania...
4 iunie, 2017
The consolidated general budget ended the first four months of 2017 with a small surplus of 0.17% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance. Compared to the same...
4 iunie, 2017
Romania scored at the end of the first quarter of 2017 not only the highest economic growth among the EU countries (5.7% gross and 5.6% adjusted by Eurostat to ensure the comparability with other states) but also the...
29 mai, 2017
* The concept of family tax within the EU 18 countries do not have the family unit concept In four countries, the concept is optional: Ireland, Germany, Poland, Spain The concept exists only in six countries: Denmark, France,...
29 mai, 2017
The old systemic risks to Romania’s financial stability have diminished, some remain „moderate”, others have disappeared, but a new one has emerged: the risk of accelerating real estate prices, still low, according to the report of the National...
29 mai, 2017
„The bad news is that the economy cannot grow sustainably by 5% based only on monetary, fiscal and salary stimuli,” said Valentin Lazea, Chief Economist of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), quoted by Agerpres. There might also...
29 mai, 2017
In Romania, Revolution 4.0 is postponed for now indefinitely. With a proportion of only 11 robots per 10,000 employees in the manufacturing industry, compared to the regional average of 60, our country is unacceptably late for the start....
22 mai, 2017
The 2017 spring prognosis of the National Prognosis Commission, subordinated to the Government, reassessed and doubled the real wage increase for the period 2016-2019. In short, from 19% a year ago, it has reached 38%, which is the...
22 mai, 2017
Romanian Local Investors Employers (PIAROM) urges the Government to adopt a set of measures to avoid the millstones around the domestic capital’s feet. The request expressed by investors mainly refers to the requirement for the small affiliated companies...
21 mai, 2017
  * Romania’s quarterly gross GDP between 2000-2017 (seasonally adjusted data) Source: INS * The unexpectedly high GDP growth in the first quarter, at 5.7% y-o-y, induces analysts’ worries about its unsustainability, which has already caused a deterioration...
21 mai, 2017
Germany (18.5%), France (10.5%) and Italy (10.5%) are the countries with the largest share of Romania’s economy by the number of employees working in 73,663 groups of companies, according to data processed for 2015 and published at the...
21 mai, 2017
The trade deficit for the first quarter of 2017 was EUR 2.32 billion, 18% higher than in the same period of the previous year, according to the INS data. Exports grew at a very good pace (+ 11.5%...
15 mai, 2017


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