
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

The average gross national wage announced by the INS for March 2017 was 3,256 lei, 4.8% up compared to the previous month. The average net national wage was 2,342 lei (+ 4,7% compared to February 2017), meaning 517...
14 mai, 2017
Present for the first time in Bucharest in his official role as President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker sent a very clear message to Romania on Thursday: Europe has no time to still wait and it will...
14 mai, 2017
The Parliament voted on Tuesday, with an overwhelming majority, the redefinition of the family in the Constitution. The amendments do not concern though only the explicit mention of the male-female couple which should be the basis of marriage....
14 mai, 2017
The degree of labour force professionalisation in Romania has declined so much that the Romanian economy is heading toward an acute crisis on the market, according to a KeysFin analysis. Statistics indicate that the number of vacancies almost...
7 mai, 2017
New Eurostat data confirms that more and more people going abroad for work settle in the destination countries. 28,400 Romanians were granted citizenship in another EU member state in 2015 compared to 24,300 in 2014. It is spectacular...
7 mai, 2017
Romania marks one more indicator where it ranks the last in the European Union, namely the share of workers with a temporary employment relationship. The level of 1.4% announced by Eurostat for 2016 is ten times lower than...
6 mai, 2017
Statistics on the debt and saving capacity give a measure of the gap between developed and underdeveloped counties of Romania. The counties where the population and companies save more have, on average, the highest level of loans relative...
6 mai, 2017
At the end of 2016, there were 4,763 million employees in Romania with permanent, full-time contracts, according to the data from the Ministry of Labour. If the expanding employment pace maintains, in 2017 we will reach the record...
1 mai, 2017
The winning team does not change The PSD Chairman Liviu Dragnea announced last week at Antena 3 that the launching of the PNDL II program was among the objectives already achieved from the government program. Why was that...
1 mai, 2017
The latest Eurostat data on two education indicators reveal the Romanian education system. Romania is the EU country with the lowest rate of university graduates in the total population aged 30-34 (25.6%). But it ranks 3rd, after Spain...
1 mai, 2017
The optimistic figures announced by Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu last Thursday regarding the increase in tax collection seem to be based on a forced „loan” from companies for the state. The data announced by the prime minister, corroborated...
1 mai, 2017
Trade exchanges with the EU countries amounted last year to about EUR 43 billion in exports (75% of total exports) and almost EUR 52 billion in imports (77% of total imports). In terms of non-EU trade, exports amounted...
23 aprilie, 2017
Increasing discrepancies between the wages in the public and private sectors will broaden inequalities between the two sectors and have serious effects on the labour market and the real economy, warn business community and trade unions leaders and...
23 aprilie, 2017
Romania’s population declined between March 2016 – February 2017 by 74,050 people. The number is comparable to the population of a middle-sized city, a capital of a county like Alba Iulia, for instance (74,085 inhabitants). Romania’s annual natural growth...
23 aprilie, 2017
The dividends proposed to stockholders by the management of the companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) are very likely to place Romania also this year at the top of the world ranking of the yields of...
23 aprilie, 2017
  The trade deficit in the first two months of 2017 was EUR 1.259 million, 27% higher than the same period of the previous year, according to the INS data. The exports increased at a good pace (+...
15 aprilie, 2017
Romania leads by far among the EU countries with the highest growth of the labour costs, according to the Eurostat data for 2016. With an increase of + 11.6% (in euro) registered last year, our country is far...
15 aprilie, 2017
The first step for establishing the Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment has been made Wednesday when the Official Gazette published Grindeanu government’s decision to create the inter-ministerial committee that will draft the legal framework for the establishment...
10 aprilie, 2017
Dividends of at least 2,000 million lei will be paid this year to the state budget, representing profits registered last year by the most important state-owned energy companies, according to the proposals that their management will make to...
9 aprilie, 2017
Romania ranks last among the EU countries both in terms of assets and liabilities of households to GDP, according to the latest data published by Eurostat for 2015. With assets (holdings) of only 72.6% of GDP and liabilities...
9 aprilie, 2017


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