
16 iulie, 2024

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Next, we will analyse Romania’s position from the point of view of the current account deficit, in a European context and then in a global one. Our analysis is based on data from the World Economic Outlook publication,...
17 iulie, 2017
ANAF President Bogdan Stan (photo) launched on Tuesday, through Agerpres, a series of warnings on the uncertain situation of the modernization program of the Romanian tax authority carried out with the support of the World Bank. But he...
17 iulie, 2017
The level of use of saving and investment products by the population is low compared to the overall level of saving, although this is comparable to the average for the countries in the region. The total bank deposits...
17 iulie, 2017
Romania ranks second to last among the EU member states in terms of resource productivity in the economy, with only EUR 0.70 per kilogram of raw material used in 2016, according to the data communicated by Eurostat. Surprisingly,...
10 iulie, 2017
Romania ranks 75th in the world according to the United Nations E–Government Development Index for 2016 and belongs to the “Neophytes Cluster” at this crucial chapter for public administration, according to an OECD report. That is the organization...
10 iulie, 2017
The cascading increase of the national minimum wage in Romania has caused a bizarre phenomenon – which the specialty textbooks seem to have foreseen only in the extreme scenarios. It is the reaction of the economy to the...
10 iulie, 2017
  The Common Agricultural Policy was beneficial to Romanian agriculture. The problem is that too few Romanian farmers have managed to grow enough to not suffer if the system changes Only one thing was working well in Romania...
10 iulie, 2017
Carefully supervised by Liviu Dragnea, Darius Valcov, the PSD’s expert in writing and observing the government roadmap, has fulfilled his mission again and delivered in time a new government program. The Tudose government program is a revised and amended...
3 iulie, 2017
The waves caused by the political dispute covered the economic asperities that appear increasingly clearly on the horizon and have now reached the moment of the radical trend change. The estimate made by the BNR specialists sees an...
3 iulie, 2017
The consolidated general budget ended the first five months of 2017 with a deficit of -0.27% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance. The balance of government finances...
3 iulie, 2017
Approximately one fifth of the EU enterprises hired IT specialists in 2016. Unfortunately, contrary to the public perception that we are relatively good at this key chapter of the 21st-century technology, Romania ranks again last among the EU...
3 iulie, 2017
Despite the recent fiscal relaxation, the biggest problem for Romanian companies remains the (high and unpredictable) taxation and not the access to financing, according to the June edition of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Survey on the...
2 iulie, 2017
Last week, the European Commission approved EUR 2.7 billion for financing 152 projects in the transportation field, considered to be „key projects that support clean, competitive, connected mobility in Europe.” 0,4% of this money (EUR 10,6 million) comes...
2 iulie, 2017
Romania has reached 63% of the EU 28 average living standard in 2016, according to the actual individual consumption indicator (AIC), according to the data released by Eurostat. By the more familiar way of measuring the living standards,...
25 iunie, 2017
The average for the first five months of 2017 of the long-term government loans was 3.85%, while for the last five months of 2016 it was 3.22%, significantly lower. The matter is NOT just about bigger or smaller...
25 iunie, 2017
* Dynamics of turnover in retail sector in 2017 * The turnover growth rate of the retail units in Romania will be of 10% this year, far above the average of 1.5% in the EU countries and five...
25 iunie, 2017
  Natural gas suppliers will no longer be obliged by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) to make stocks for the coming winter if the Parliament adopts a draft law that is now at the Committee for Industry of...
25 iunie, 2017
The transatlantic tour de force of Romanian diplomacy has been marked first by the political references, but Romania’s economic partnership with France and Germany gets new meanings, in view of the fact that the EU’s biggest powers except...
25 iunie, 2017
Hourly labour cost has already increased this year by 18.20%, in gross terms, in the first quarter of 2017, compared to the same period of 2016, according to the data announced by INS. The increase is 16.25% if...
18 iunie, 2017
Employers are required to accurately record the time worked by the persons employed under part-time contracts as well as the start and end time of their work program. If the inspectors find out that the duration set in...
18 iunie, 2017


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