
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

According to the data provided by INS, Romania registered a 0.32% increase in prices in July 2017 compared to the previous month, the highest level in the last nine months. By aggregating with the unfavourable base effect (prices...
28 august, 2017
At the beginning of the current year, the over-excise of 7 euro cents per litre included in the total excise duty has been eliminated. At the same time, VAT has fallen by one percentage point, from 20% to...
14 august, 2017
The Government has initiated this week the legislation needed to change taxation as it faces the issues related to the budget deficit and the payment of political commitments – and surprised the business environment with a reactive and...
14 august, 2017
The draft law on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) provides for its exemption from the application of the laws on accelerating privatization, which also included the method of listing on the Bucharest Stock...
14 august, 2017
The Tourism Investment Masterplan, approved on Friday by Mihai Tudose cabinet, contains 29 projects of local importance and three of national interest and all of them will be made with money from the state budget and from local...
14 august, 2017
The price of electricity has come last week close to an inexplicable maximum, as the authorities are not just spectators, but they seem to be part of the price increase mechanism. The price at which the electricity has...
14 august, 2017
The ease with which companies turn to insolvency is one of the structural obstacles to a faster credit expansion, according to a group of economists coordinated by Valentin Lazea, published in the latest issue of the Study notebooks...
14 august, 2017
Amounts sent to the country have significantly declined over the past three years, so indicators showing the importance of this money relative to FDI have significantly deteriorated in 2017. For the first time, the available data show a...
7 august, 2017
Businesses from the seaside in the HORECA field grew by 66 percent, to 1.33 billion lei, from 2012 to 2016 and net profit 3.5 times, to 132.9 million lei – supported by the decreased taxation. On the other...
7 august, 2017
In the European Union, more than 2.8 million hectares have been allocated to fruit production and other 2.1 million hectares to the production of vegetables. Eurostat has published the profiled rankings, where Romania, the seventh EU country by...
7 august, 2017
To give a clearer idea of the economic impact of special pensions, we give you the data found about the payment situation in April 2017. We point out that it would be desirable to receive clarifications and a...
7 august, 2017
Twenty-eight generals, rear-admirals and police quaestors, including 13 SRI generals, have got themselves put in reserve over the past two days (Monday and Tuesday) after the Labour Minister Lia Olguta Vasilescu has confirmed the amendment of the legislation...
7 august, 2017
The available drafts on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) do not specify the strategy, objectives, management mechanisms or the control mode of the FSDI, the economists asked by warn. These drafts give...
31 iulie, 2017
The surplus recorded at the end of the first six months of 2017 in the centralized budget of local administrative units (in short, local budgets) climbed to the highest level in the last seven years, according to the...
31 iulie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance confirmed on Thursday evening that as of January 1, 2018, social contributions will be entirely transferred to the employee’s responsibility while the employer will only have the obligation to withhold and pay these contributions....
31 iulie, 2017
Romania went up 32 positions, to the 49th position in the ranking by the ability to respond and adapt to major changes or shocks it would face, from the “Change Readiness Index 2017″ research published by KPMG on...
24 iulie, 2017
Romania has joined the European Union with the highest inequality in population incomes among the member states and continues to rank second, according to the data released by Eurostat. Instead of being part of the Central European group...
24 iulie, 2017
In terms of tax framework, Romania attractive in the EU if we look at the tax rates but from the perspective of people who work, things are not favourable compared to the rest of Europe. The non-governmental think...
24 iulie, 2017
„If you work, you do not have time to make money” according to an increasingly popular Romanian saying, confirmed by the data published by Eurostat. Data which places us at the top of the EU by the proportion...
24 iulie, 2017
The increase of the available income and the wealth effect induced by that have stimulated not only the consumption but also the saving among the population, as well as personal investments in the last two months. Following the...
24 iulie, 2017


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