
16 iulie, 2024

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The plan of the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) to impose „a certain level of the gross salary” on private companies is a questionable intrusion into the private environment, according to the tax experts consulted by Also,...
25 septembrie, 2017
(Siegfried Mureșan is Vice Chair of the Committee on Budgets and Substitute Member in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs) * The European Union (EU) budget is an investment budget and the predictability of revenue is essential....
17 septembrie, 2017
The situation of the salary rights in the Ministry of National Defence was the one that officially caused the resignation of Minister Adrian Tutuianu. Blocked in the controversy of financial resources available for paying the military wages, various...
17 septembrie, 2017
On the occasion of the French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit in August, the public was informed that Romania has „every right” to ask for the accession to Schengen Area and this will happen but after the area will...
17 septembrie, 2017
Romania’s current account deficit will be by far the largest of the European Union’s emerging economies in 2017 and will exceed 3%, according to the estimates of the banking system. The main causes are: a massive increase in...
17 septembrie, 2017
Finance Minister Ionut Misa presented on Friday some elements of the budget rectification, to be approved by the Government by end of September. According to the Finance Minister’s statements, the rectification would be positive (+ 0.04%), as the...
11 septembrie, 2017
The consolidated general budget recorded a deficit of ROL 5.14 billion at the end of the first seven months of 2017, equivalent to 0.63% of the GDP estimated for the current year. The result is well below the...
11 septembrie, 2017
The deficit of the Nc (FNUASS) reached a record high of ROL 1.564 billion at the end of July, according to the budget implementation in the first seven months. Not because the amounts collected in the main revenue...
11 septembrie, 2017
The ratio between the net revenues coming as direct investment in the country and the (chronically negative) current account of Romania’s balance of payments has deteriorated rapidly over the past three years and is heading to values that...
11 septembrie, 2017
* GDP growth before and after EU accession Source: World Bank * Romanians registered the largest advance of the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita among the Central and Eastern Europe countries in 2016, compared to 2003, even...
11 septembrie, 2017
Eight months after the initial announcement on the establishment of a Sovereign Development and Investment Fund – a measure included in the government program adopted by the Parliament in January 2017 – the Ministry of Finance launched on...
4 septembrie, 2017
Eurostatistics represents a synthesis based on a set of standardized and harmonized indicators for comparability between countries at the European level (Principal European Economic Indicators – PEEIs). These indicators are monthly published and reviewed to provide a synthetic...
4 septembrie, 2017
Tudose government amended on Wednesday the Tax Code by three government ordinances: the change with the greatest impact on the business environment was the decision on the VAT split payment, mandatory as of 1 January 2018. The draft...
4 septembrie, 2017
* Number of employees in the manufacturing industry, trade and hotels and restaurants (Sep 2008, compared to May 2017) * In May 2017, the number of employees in Romania returned to the level recorded at the beginning of...
4 septembrie, 2017
Profit or Loss Keys Showing Returns for Internet Businesses Banks in Romania achieved net profits of about ROL 2.7 billion lei in the first half of 2017, according to the companies’ tax statements and reports of the National...
4 septembrie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance has published the draft „Split VAT” Ordinance. Compared to the data presented at the meetings with the business community or the informal meetings with the media, some changes have occurred. Important changes. For businesses,...
28 august, 2017
Last week, the ministry debated another draft ordinance to amend the Tax Code. Changes include the already promised tax exemptions for physicians’ incomes or dividends, as well as the increases in excise duties on gasoline and diesel to...
28 august, 2017
  Romania ranked fourth in the EU in 2016 by the proportion of young people (20-34) who are neither employed nor included in a form of education, with the percentage of 23.5%, according to the data provided by...
28 august, 2017
The Romanian economy suffers from the same vulnerabilities as those of 2008 and, in addition, the notable differences are still negative, especially at the level of the companies, according to an analysis published on Tuesday by Iancu Guda,...
28 august, 2017
The trade deficit in the second quarter of 2017 was EUR 3,520.7 million, according to the data provided by the INS, which shows a spectacular increase by about 52% compared to the first quarter of the current year....
28 august, 2017


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