
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

The percentage of Romanians who consider the EU membership to be a good thing has dropped from 54% in March this year to just 48% in October, according to a survey conducted by Kantar Public for the European...
22 octombrie, 2017
The balance of payments current account recorded a deficit of more than four billion euros in the first eight months of the year, which means a 52% increase over the same period in 2016. The minus registered on...
22 octombrie, 2017
The average gross salary announced by INS for August 2017 was 3,290 lei, by 1.2% higher than in the previous month. The net average wage was 2,364 lei, or 514 euros at the average exchange rate of September...
16 octombrie, 2017
When it comes to the „VAT gap”, the Romanian Government and the European Commission have different views on the elements contributing to this indicator. Even different definitions. The difference between the Government’s approach and the Commission’s approach sets...
16 octombrie, 2017
Photo caption: Prime Minister Mihai Tudose publicly supports split VAT but the company in which he has declared interests does not support Mihai Tudose In the democracy, the power of example is a way often used by state...
16 octombrie, 2017
If the PSD-ALDE alliance does not reconsider the measure of transferring all social contributions to the employees, Romania will be the first EU country where employers will no longer contribute to financing the social security system. In the...
9 octombrie, 2017
BNR decided on Tuesday to narrow the „symmetrical corridor” between the interest rates of the standing facilities around the monetary policy rate (1.75%, unchanged), by increasing the deposit interest rate and lowering the Lombard rate. At the same...
9 octombrie, 2017
The foreign direct investment (FDI) balance in the Romanian economy reached EUR 70,113 million last year, equivalent to slightly more than 41% of the annual GDP. Centralized data, published by the National Bank of Romania show that 70%...
9 octombrie, 2017
UNSUSTAINABLE: Purchasing power increase, triple compared to GDP growth! The purchasing power of wages reached the threshold of 180% in July 2017 compared to the reference set for October 1990 (last month before price liberalization). In the first...
9 octombrie, 2017
The concentration of the economic activity in increasingly fewer large companies, their distribution in the territory and the capitalization problems of most Romanian firms are all Romania’s vulnerabilities to external shocks and competition. Analysts’ warnings, supported by worrying...
2 octombrie, 2017
After the withdrawal of the „intent and ability” criterion for doing business and following the pressure of the business community, ANAF published on Thursday evening the draft of a new order on setting criteria for VAT registration. The...
2 octombrie, 2017
Between Romanians’ savings and the increase in the force of the domestic capital investment another significant fracture, deepened by the public policies, intervenes. As far as they exist, public policies on personal investment have not stimulated population’s appetite...
2 octombrie, 2017
Following the acknowledgment of the increased supply costs reported by distribution companies to the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, as of October 1, 2017, the natural gas price for household consumers would be about 6% higher and the price...
2 octombrie, 2017
  Interest rates on the interbank market (ROBOR) recorded this week the fastest growth in the past three years after banks’ expectations have led to a decline in liquidity on the market. However, the temporary drop in liquidity...
2 octombrie, 2017
The net national average income for 2016 was 2,046 lei (equivalent to 456 euros) per month, according to the data processed by INS. This key indicator for the economy grew by 10.1% compared to the previous year, the...
2 octombrie, 2017
Member states are trying to reach a consensus by October about the European Commission’s proposals to amend the European Directive on posted workers. Although it is a new subject dividing the European Union (Western Europe and the former...
25 septembrie, 2017
  Romania has positioned itself in the EU as the country with the lowest public revenues as a share of GDP and we shall record in 2017 a new negative record in this respect, with only 30.5% of...
25 septembrie, 2017
  Romania ranks first in the EU by labour cost increase in the second quarter of 2017, at a high distance from the following states, with no less than + 18.6% for the entire economy, according to a...
25 septembrie, 2017
The discussion on transferring wage contributions, which under the current system are partly paid by the employee and partly by the employer, fully to the employee’s responsibility has much wider connotations and little publicly discussed. Let’s just give...
25 septembrie, 2017
Romania’s economic growth is expected to remain well above the 5% threshold by 2020, and GDP growth in euro will be at least 8% between 2017 and 2020, according to the preliminary autumn forecast released by the National...
25 septembrie, 2017


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