
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

The signal forecast that the National Institute of Statistics announced indicates a record growth rate of 8.8% in the third quarter of 2017 on the gross series and 8.6% on the seasonally adjusted series. The GDP result in...
20 noiembrie, 2017
Before deciding to protect the stability of interest rates more than the stability of the exchange rate and to signal, though, a future increase in the reference interest rate of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), its administrators...
20 noiembrie, 2017
The distrust regarding the health of Romania’s economic growth makes foreign analysts remember that the last time when Romania outpaced China in terms of the economic growth rhythm was in 2008, just before the outbreak of the global...
20 noiembrie, 2017
The data published by Eurostat on the evolution of GDP per capita over the period 2005-2015 show that the growth rate of this key indicator for living standards has been boosted, relative to the real economic growth in...
20 noiembrie, 2017
A total of 10 state-owned companies or owned by the public administration account for over 36% of the total outstanding social contributions at September 30, 2017. The data appear in the list of debtors, legal entities with outstanding...
12 noiembrie, 2017
According to the data provided by INS, Romania recorded a 1.28% increase in prices in October 2017 compared to the previous month, the highest increase in the last five years (a similar value has not been registered since...
12 noiembrie, 2017
  The Government adopted the Emergency Ordinance on amending the Tax Code and maintained all the provisions lately contested by the business community and trade unions. Among the most important are: the transfer of most of the social...
12 noiembrie, 2017
Macroeconomic balances suffer a significant deterioration because of the government pro-cyclical policy to stimulate consumption. The pro-cyclical policy led to an increase in the trade and current account deficits and amplified the depreciation pressures of the local currency,...
12 noiembrie, 2017
In more than half of Romania’s counties, the state has at least one representative among the top two employers at the county level. Usually, it is the county hospital or, in poor counties, the social assistance directorates. There...
12 noiembrie, 2017
Romania ranks last among the EU member states by the share of public sector employees in the total workforce, according to data published by Eurostat for 2016. That, although we registered the highest increase in the percentage of...
6 noiembrie, 2017
In the autumn forecast on which the 2018 budget is based, the National Commission for Prognosis, an institution under the Government’s authority, increased the economic growth projection for the current year to 6.1%, from the level of 5.6%...
6 noiembrie, 2017
We can hope that the measures announced by the Ministry of Finance in last week’s government meeting are still under debate. So, we shall formulate below a picture, not so much of the „little things” that every taxpayer...
6 noiembrie, 2017
A mission for evaluating Romanian tax policies, which arrived to Bucharest last month, found that the Government does not want to take into account the recommendations that the European Commission made with the launch of the Significant Deviation...
30 octombrie, 2017
Finance Minister Ionut Misa announced on Thursday, at the beginning of the cabinet meeting, new amendments to the Tax Code, measures promised months ago by PSD that has been regularly revising them. Without any further comments, we shall...
30 octombrie, 2017
The World Economic Forum has published a new Global Competitiveness Report, where Romania ranks 68th among the 138 countries that have been subject of the research. Compared to the previous report, Romania went down 6 positions in the...
30 octombrie, 2017
Although we have been positioned at the forefront of the EU due to our economic growth over the past two years in terms of GDP growth, this notable performance has been achieved while we have a very low...
30 octombrie, 2017
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) will adjust its monetary policy and the floating exchange rate policy to the developments in the imbalances resulting from the Government’s tax policy, according to the analysts of the most important banks...
30 octombrie, 2017
Romania is starting to show more and more warning signals for the short-term economic analysis based on Eurostat, with values that are significantly out of a balanced evolution. Latest data is not likely to calm down potential investors...
22 octombrie, 2017
The PSD-ALDE ruling coalition decided on Wednesday that essential laws for society would be issued by the Parliament by the end of this session. On Liviu Dragnea’s list there are: The Law on the establishment of the Sovereign...
22 octombrie, 2017
Prime Minister Tudose announced on Thursday that the split VAT measure will apply only to companies with problems: A fair decision: not the split payment would have solved the (VERY BIG) problem of the VAT in Romania.
22 octombrie, 2017

Document: Government amended Tax Code

  The Government adopted the Emergency Ordinance on amending the Tax Code and maintained all the provisions lately contested by the business community and trade

Document: Government amended Tax Code

  The Government adopted the Emergency Ordinance on amending the Tax Code and maintained all the provisions lately contested by the business community and trade


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