
27 iulie, 2024

exchange rate

Romanian Leu was much more stable during the pandemic than the currencies of Central European countries with a similar exchange rate regime, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. Data published by BNR show a much lower devaluation of...
8 noiembrie, 2020
With an evolution labelled as a “new negative record” and “the national currency continues to decline” after the reference exchange rate announced by the BNR reached 4.8722 RON / euro on September 24, the situation is, in fact,...
28 septembrie, 2020
Analysts’ scenarios on the evolution of the exchange rate are rather prudent for the coming months, but severe for the beginning of the next year and later when the RON/euro rate could even reach 4.85. Erste & BCR...
10 iunie, 2019
The National Bank of Romania wants a „loyal cooperation” with the Ministry of Public Finance, and that involves a prior consultation with the central bank when taking decisions that affect the monetary policy and financial stability of the...
4 februarie, 2019
For four years now, net wage growth has been much higher than productivity and, as employers’ earnings have not increased with the wage advance disproportion has moved to Romania’s foreign payments. If the employer, whether private or state-owned,...
5 noiembrie, 2018
The average gross wage announced by the INS for May 2018 was 4,512 lei, 0.4% lower than in the previous month. Net nominal average wage decreased by 0.3% and reached 2,704 lei, exactly the same as in March....
21 iulie, 2018
The deterioration of investors’ confidence in emerging economies and the default risk of loans to companies and population are the biggest risks to financial stability in Romania, according to a report published on Thursday by the National Bank...
18 iunie, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) is working on a permanent basis with the Government and the Ministry of Finance, but has no “power over fiscal policy,” said Mugur Isarescu, Governor of the National Bank of Romania on...
2 aprilie, 2018
Romania has a discordant note with the other Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) regarding the economic growth strength in terms of macroeconomic balances. Economic growth in the CEE „maintains strong” in the first quarter of 2018, although...
2 aprilie, 2018
The national gross average wage announced by the INS for January 2018 was 4,143 lei, a value that cannot be compared with the previous month because contributions have been moved from the employer to the employee. The corresponding...
19 martie, 2018
Romania will pay more than RON 10 billion in 2018 only for interest and fees on foreign debt, according to the Ministry of Finance’s forecast of the government public debt service. The situation was valid before the last...
12 martie, 2018
The average euro/leu exchange rate registered in 2017 the highest increase in the last five years, and the rate at the end of the year had the most consistent advance in the last eight years, according to official...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The National Prognosis Commission (CNP) has an optimistic view of the 2018 economic indicators, while major players in the banking field are much more cautious and sometimes have more severe outlooks because of the pressure of the interest...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The first time it happens, the second time it can be a coincidence but for the third time it is already confirmed the establishment of a strategy that can only lead to draining the public finances and exposing...
11 decembrie, 2017
Before deciding to protect the stability of interest rates more than the stability of the exchange rate and to signal, though, a future increase in the reference interest rate of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), its administrators...
20 noiembrie, 2017
Macroeconomic balances suffer a significant deterioration because of the government pro-cyclical policy to stimulate consumption. The pro-cyclical policy led to an increase in the trade and current account deficits and amplified the depreciation pressures of the local currency,...
12 noiembrie, 2017
Romania’s economic growth is expected to remain well above the 5% threshold by 2020, and GDP growth in euro will be at least 8% between 2017 and 2020, according to the preliminary autumn forecast released by the National...
25 septembrie, 2017
The ratio between the net revenues coming as direct investment in the country and the (chronically negative) current account of Romania’s balance of payments has deteriorated rapidly over the past three years and is heading to values that...
11 septembrie, 2017
The trade deficit in the second quarter of 2017 was EUR 3,520.7 million, according to the data provided by the INS, which shows a spectacular increase by about 52% compared to the first quarter of the current year....
28 august, 2017
The Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu (foto), has launched harsh allegations against the policy of encouraging consumption, which has unbalanced the economy and leads to financing jobs abroad, as imports increased faster than exports...
25 iunie, 2017


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