
16 iulie, 2024

exchange rate

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) announced an average rate of 4.5872 lei on Thursday, following the sharp depreciation in the first part of the day on the interbank market, from 4.5775 lei/euro on Wednesday to 4.5871 at...
17 iunie, 2017
* Macroeconomic confidence index * The macroeconomic confidence index of CFA Romania increased to 60.8 points in April, considerably above the previous month (by 4 points), but still far from the value at which it capped last year...
28 mai, 2017
The 2017 spring prognosis of the National Prognosis Commission, subordinated to the Government, reassessed and doubled the real wage increase for the period 2016-2019. In short, from 19% a year ago, it has reached 38%, which is the...
22 mai, 2017
The entire foundation consisting of the indicators forecasted by the National Commission for Prognosis (CNP), an institution reporting to the Government, relies on the assumption of a strengthening domestic currency against euro in four years, between 2017 and...
30 martie, 2017
The index of macroeconomic confidence has declined for the second consecutive month, down to 54.9 points in January 201, of 100 points in total. „The decrease was mainly due to the index of current conditions,” according to the...
26 februarie, 2017
Romania’s GDP is to grow between 2017 – 2020 at a more rapid pace than previously expected, according to the winter economic forecast by the National Commission for Prognosis (CNP). Data presented resemble an old joke about the...
26 ianuarie, 2017
Romania and Poland „have a very limited room for manoeuvre in the tax area” – if needed, in case that the budget deficit would exceed the 3% threshold, estimate the analysts from Erste Group Research, within an analysis...
21 decembrie, 2016
The National Institute of Statistics announced the final value of GDP for 2014 at 668,143.6 million lei, in current prices, representing a growth rate of 3.1% in real terms as compared to 2013. As compared to the semi-final...
13 octombrie, 2016


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