
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Monday that he has signed with his French counterpart, Jean Castex, the roadmap on the partnership between Romania and France for next 4 years, which aims at strengthening the cooperation in the...
1 noiembrie, 2020
Romania had in the second quarter of 2020 the fourth-lowest increase in public debt relative to GDP among the EU Member States compared to the previous quarter but was at the EU average if the reporting is compared...
26 octombrie, 2020
The Romanian Government notified, on Friday, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) with three actions in the annulment of the problematic Mobility Package I provisions. The complaints concern those provisions which „will have significant negative...
26 octombrie, 2020
The Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) proposes to regulate a simplified alternative procedure for granting a payment rescheduling of up to 12 months, for the main and ancillary budgetary obligations whose maturity/payment is due after the date when...
19 octombrie, 2020
Romania’s economy will contract by 4.8% of GDP this year, according to the revised forecast of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a slightly more optimistic evolution than previously forecasted, of -5% of GDP, according to the World Economic...
19 octombrie, 2020
The data included in the autumn report of the World Bank „COVID-19 and Human Capital” which brings the forecast for Europe and Central Asia countries up to date shows the scepticism of this institution’s specialists regarding a rapid...
11 octombrie, 2020
Defence Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper met on Thursday at the Pentagon with Romanian National Defence Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca and the two signed a „defence cooperation roadmap” for 10 years. At the end of the meeting, Minister Nicolae...
11 octombrie, 2020
The balance of Romania’s direct investments abroad amounted to EUR 324 million in 2019, according to data published on Wednesday by the National Bank of Romania (BNR). Out of this amount, EUR 110 million represent equity contribution, EUR...
5 octombrie, 2020
The execution of the general consolidated budget in the first eight months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 54.77 billion (5.18% of GDP, an increase by half a percentage point of GDP compared to July), of which...
5 octombrie, 2020
Two contradictory phenomena occur during the development of an economic sector that is vital for development: on one hand, we have the boom in the construction sector – increase of 8% in the midst of the pandemic, while...
28 septembrie, 2020
With an evolution labelled as a “new negative record” and “the national currency continues to decline” after the reference exchange rate announced by the BNR reached 4.8722 RON / euro on September 24, the situation is, in fact,...
28 septembrie, 2020
The public debt officially measured by the Ministry of Finance based on the European methodology advanced only in July 2020 almost as much as in the whole second quarter, when Romania was caught in the middle of the...
21 septembrie, 2020
Romania’s big re-launch plan for the next decade places transport infrastructure at the centre of investments, with an allocation of 60% of the total amount. In addition to the money from the European re-launch mechanism, there are also...
21 septembrie, 2020
The general consolidated budget registered in the first half of the current year a deficit of about RON 45 billion, equivalent to 4.2% of the estimated GDP (in the version of a real-terms decrease by only -1.9%) for...
3 august, 2020
At the European level, there is an agreement to introduce a „modest” tax on disposable plastic, a first source of income to support the repayment of loans that the European Commission will contract for the formation of the...
3 august, 2020
Long-term interest rate for Romania fell by almost one percentage point in just two months, according to data released by Eurostat. After increasing up to 4.83% in April 2020, at the end of June it reached a level...
20 iulie, 2020
Budgetary and institutions’ operational constraints generated by the pandemic have subjected the Romanian tax system to significant tensions, which proved its limits, notes the international audit and consulting firm Mazars, in a regional study on tax frameworks in...
20 iulie, 2020
Some facts – or what we call “Hypothesis” in Mathematics  *  What EU is in the global economic and technological competition *  The sex of angels and its social regulation  *  A new ideology for destructuring the European...
17 iulie, 2020
The National Institute of Statistics confirmed the economic growth of 2.4% in gross series and 2.7% in seasonally adjusted series for the first quarter of the current year compared to the same period of the previous year. The...
13 iulie, 2020
The implementation of the consolidated budget in the first five months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 38.8 billion (3.59% of GDP), of which almost half was generated by “the amounts left in the economic environment through...
28 iunie, 2020


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