
16 iulie, 2024

19 noiembrie, 2018

The number of robots in the Romanian industry has increased to 18 robots per 10,000 employees (2017), according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) report 2018.

Compared to the previous report, the number of robots in Romania has increased by three per 10,000 employees.

„Robots sales have increased considerably in most of Central and Eastern European markets, except for Romania and Slovakia,” says the IFR report and mentions that Slovakia has the highest density of industrial robots in the region:

  • Slovakia (151 industrial robots per 10,000 employees)
  • Slovenia (144)
  • Czech Republic (119)
  • Hungary (78)
  • Poland has a double density (36)

The global average is 85 and the average in Europe is 106.

There are over 3,100 industrial robots in Romania and most of them (around 40%) are in the automotive industry.

Automobile Dacia has over 800 robots and about 120 small autonomous vehicles for transporting car parts.

Ford has equipped the assembling plant in Craiova, Uzina de Asamblare a Vehiculelor, with 550 robots and is still looking to employ 1,700 people.

Romania needs not less than 10,000 robots across the economy in order to make it become competitive in the region in the future, according to a recent estimation by Universal Robots, one of the world’s largest robot vendors.


There are 421,000 industrial robots in the world, 10% more than last year and by 100% more than in 2012.

Five countries account for 73% of total world robot sales:

  • China got the biggest increase of the period 2015 – 2017: + 59%, to 138,000 units,
  • Japan: + 18%, to 46,000,
  • South Korea declined by 4%, and reached 40,000,
  • US: + 6%, up to 33,000,
  • Germany: + 7%, up to 21,000 units.
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