
16 iulie, 2024

14 august, 2017

The Tourism Investment Masterplan, approved on Friday by Mihai Tudose cabinet, contains 29 projects of local importance and three of national interest and all of them will be made with money from the state budget and from local administrations’ budgets, not from EU funds.

Funding will begin in 2019, depending on the budget possibilities.

The government decision does not contain any cost estimate, mentioning only the proportions in which the state and local budgets will contribute to these projects.

The three investments of national importance are the only ones with the full financing from the state budget and will be implemented by the Ministry of Tourism, according to the government decision:

  • Development of the ski infrastructure, Fagaras Mountains (200 days with snow per year – Sustainable Development in the Fagaras Massif)
  • Balanced and integrated development of the tourist area of the Danube Delta and the Black Sea resorts, Sulina (Miniport/marina, Sulina town, Tulcea county)
  • Development of the tourist and recreation infrastructure – tourist port, Constanta (Planning the Diamant Port – recreational port, Constanta municipality, Constanta county)

Neither the value of these projects is specified.

How other funds will be allocated:

  • for investments made in the resorts of national interest certified according to the law, the contribution of the Ministry of Tourism is 90% and the contribution of the beneficiary administrative and territorial unit is 10%
  • for investments made in resorts of local interest, certified according to the law, the contribution of the Ministry of Tourism is 85% and the contribution of the beneficiary territorial administrative unit is 15%
  • for investments in the scope of this decision other than those referred to in a) and b) paragraphs, the contribution of the Ministry of Tourism is 70% and the contribution of the beneficiary administrative and territorial unit is 30%

Territorial administrations are advised that the failure to submit the technical and economic documentation by 31 December 2018 will result in the elimination of the project proposal from the Annex.

List of project proposals to be financed, with the indication that the government decision specifies the annual update of this Annex:

List of tourism investment projects with ongoing financing contracts

Local public authority              Project

  1. Borsec Local Council, Harghita County Development of the recreational tourist infrastructure, Borsec resort
  2. Local Council Petroaani, Hunedoara county Skiing in Romania, Petrosani
  3. Campulung Moldovenesc Local Council, Suceava county Skiing in Romania, Campulung Moldovenesc resort
  4. Voineasa Local Council, Valcea County Development of the recreational infrastructure, Voineasa resort

List of tourism projects of local importance :

County             Name of project proposal

  1. Alba County Sureanu Salvamont Base, Sebes Valley

Planning of the Ski Area, Sebes Valley

Development of tourist infrastructure in the high mountain area, Sebes mountains

Development of Ursoaia Tourist Area, Horea commune

Development of tourist infrastructure – planning the ski area, Zlatna town

  1. Arad County Reposition Moneasa resort in the international circuit

Setting up an „Adventure Park”, Moneasa commune

  1. Arges County Ski in Romania, Albestii de Muscel
  2. Bacau County Planning the spa infrastructure, Slanic Moldova

Organising new tourist attractions (Water park – Aqualand, adventure park, ice rink), Slanic Moldova town

Cable car construction, Slanic Moldova

Construction of a recreational complex, Slanic Moldova

Aqua Park – Parc Magura area, Tirgu Ocna town

Salt Lake Resort – Parc Magura, Tirgu Ocna town

Adventure Park Planning – Parc Magura, Tirgu Ocna town

Skating rink – Parc Magura area, Tirgu Ocna town

  1. Bihor County Ski slope, Budureasa commune

Development of winter tourism, Vartop slope, stage 2, Nucet town

Construction of a fun and adventure park, Sinmartin commune

Mountain rescue base, Vadu Crisului

  1. Bistrita Nasaud County Baile Figa touristic extension – spa medical center

Ski area Valea Salautei

Ski area Valea Birgaului, Bistrita Birgaului commune

Development of ski area Valea Vinului, Rodna commune

Adventure park, Singeorz Bai town

Holiday village, Singeorz Bai town

  1. Brasov County Summer sled in Poiana Brasov, Brasov

Enlargement of the ski area – Stage II, Poiana Brasov, Brasov

Modernization of Dragus ski slope, Dragus commune

Ski area, Lisa commune

Improvement of the ski area, Predeal town

Development of the ski area Olareasa, Predeal

Organizing the ski area Stage 2 – connection with Azuga, Predeal town

Construction of new ski slopes, Predeal town

Modernization of existing ski slopes, Predeal

Development of the cable transport infrastructure, Predeal town

Build winter and summer theme parks/sports bases, Predeal

Develop a recreation area in Timisul de Jos, Predeal

Clabucet slope Salvamont rescue point, Predeal town

Recreational park Valea Rasnoavei, Predeal town

Sports leisure infrastructure, Rasnov

Development of the ski area – modernization of the Olympic base, Rasnov

Ski area Valea Larga, Sacele

Building ski slopes with the appropriate facilities in Brebina, Zarnesti

  1. Buzau County Supporting the establishment of spa, wellness bases, etc. and reopening some old water basins with tradition in treatments for tourists, Sarata Monteoru resort, Merei commune

Building the Balneary Park, Sarata Monteoru resort, Merei commune

  1. Caras Severin County The development of Semenic tourist area

Organising and extending the ski area in Muntele Mic, Turnu Ruieni commune

Construction of a mountain rescue hut, Muntele Mic

Organizing the tourist and ski area Nedeia, Zavoi commune

  1. Calarasi County Tourist development of Bratul Borcea-Calarasi

Development of the recreation tourism infrastructure, recreation port, Oltenita municipality

  1. County Cluj Ski in Romania, Baisoara resort, Baisoara commune

Organizing the Chinteni Lake, Chinteni commune

Aquapark, Chinteni commune

  1. Constanta County Organizing prevention centres, primary medical treatment and the lifeguard points from the coastal area of Constanta County

Tourist mini-ports, Ostrov, Capidava, Rasova, Ghindaresti

Expanding the dolphinarium in Constanta

Organizing Marina Nord, Constanta

Organizing the natural tourist public utility area – Belona Lake, Eforie town

Building a marina, Eforie town

Increasing tourist attractiveness of the Eforie Nord and Eforie Sud resorts, development of the infrastructure for Spa tourism, Eforie town

Multifunctional balneal and physiotherapy centre, Techirghiol

  1. Covasna County Ski in Romania, Comandau commune

Multifunctional wellbeing centre, Covasna

Ski in Romania, Covasna

  1. Dambovita County Construction of ski slopes in the Padina – Pestera area, Moroeni commune

Public parking lot and related facilities in the Telecabina Padina area – the cave, Moroeni commune

Recovery of the recreation area and building base treatment and the recovery of sulphurous water (existing in the area) on Moteianca hill and in the „La sursa” area, Pucioasa town

Organizing the recreation area on the reservoir lake, Pucioasa

  1. Gorj County Rehabilitation, development and organisation of Ranca mountain rescue base

Reshaping, modernization and extension of Papusa ski area, Parang Mountains, Baia de Fier commune

  1. Harghita County Extending the Balneary Complex, Baile Tusnad town

Restauration of Nadas traditional bathing resort, Tusnad commune

The organization of a winter sports complex in the immediate vicinity of the ski slope, Borsec

Building an adventure park, Borsec

Refurbishment and modernization of the access points to the mineral water springs, Borsec

Ski slopes and cable cars at Harghita-Madaras, Capalnita commune

Planning the Suhard ski area, Gheorgheni municipality

Building a tele-gondola system in Lacu Rosu resort on Suhardul Mare peak, Gheorgheni municipality

Establishing a spa centre in Lacu Rosu resort, Gheorgheni municipality

Developing the recreation area at Baile Homorod, Vlahita town

Development of the ski area, Izvoru Muresului, Voslabeni commune

  1. Hunedoara County Organizing the recreation area, Geoagiu town

Ski in Romania, Straja resort, Lupeni municipality

Development and extension of the Sureanu ski area, Petrila

  1. Ialomita County Restauration of Zone 4 spa complex, Plaja Zorilor, Amara town

Rehabilitation of the balneological park, stage II, Amara town

Developing the tourism infrastructure by arranging the Perla beach, Amara

  1. Maramures County Tele-gondola and Olympic ski slope, Borsa town

Development of Prislop Ski Area – Stiol- Runcul Stiol – Buza Dealului, Borsa town

Organising a complex of trampolines for practicing ski jumping, Borsa

Construction of a cabin-type cableway installation at the base of Pietrosul Rodnei mountain – Iezer Lake – mountain peak, Borsa town

Construction of a biathlon and cross-country ski arena, Borsa

Organizing the Gutaiul Doamnei ski area, Cavnic town

  1. Mures County Organizing the recreation base (aquapark), Sovata town

Organizing a ski slope, Sovata town

  1. Neamt County Organizing some ski slopes in Bicaz Chei, Bicazu Ardelean, Borca, Tarcau areas

Ski in Romania, Durau resort

Construction of the Ion Creanga Theme Park, Tirgu-Neamt

  1. Prahova County Organising the Cazacu ski slope – the upper area, including the connection with the upper tele-gondola station, Azuga

Developing the ski area of Azuga resort by building the Cazacu tele-gondola, Azuga town city

Improving the operation conditions for the artificial snow installation, stage I, Azuga

Organising the „Urechea” III ski slope, cable transport installation and artificial snow installation, Azuga

Organising the Sorica slope ski route (connection) – tele-gondola lower station, Azuga town

Construction of a new Busteni-Platou Busteni cable transport installation, Busteni town

Building ski tracks – cross-country ski slopes in the Baiului Mountains, Busteni

Organising the ski area – Babesu 1 and 2 ski slopes, Cheia resort, Maneciu commune

Development of the Cota 1400 – 2000 ski area, Sinaia

Development of Sinaia- Vanturis area – Vf. cu Dor -Piatra Arsa – Cota 2000 ski area, Sinaia

Rehabilitation of the bob slope, Sinaia

Recreational complex, Sinaia

Adventure park, Sinaia

Organising a camping site, Sinaia

  1. Satu Mare County Development of Luna Ses – Negresti Oas tourist area

Establishment of a rescue station in the „Luna Ses” tourist area, Negresti-Oas town

Treatment base, Tasnad town

  1. Sibiu County Development of tourism for practicing ski and other winter sports, Avrig town

Establishment of wellness base, Bazna commune

Establishment of an aqua park, Bazna commune

Development of the tourist infrastructure in Ocna Sibiului wellbeing resort, Ocna Sibiului

Salvamont rescue base in the Paltinis resort, Sibiu city

  1. Suceava County Aqua Park, Gura Humorului town

Construction of an artificial ski slope – summer skiing, toboggan run and tubing, Gura Humorului town

Organising an adventure park, Sucevita commune

Organising a ski slope, Sucevita commune

Construction of an ice rink, Sucevita commune

Ski area in Calimani Mountains, Saru Dornei commune

Development of the ski area, Vatra Dornei municipality

Increasing the attractiveness of Vatra Dornei resort by optimizing and increasing the network for producing the artificial snow, Vatra Dornei

Increasing the quality of tourist services in Bazinul Dornelor by organising the Salvamont stations, Vatra Dornei town

  1. Timis County Aquapark with mineral waters, Buzias town
  2. Tulcea County Miniport/marina, Murighiol commune

Tourist miniport/marina, Sarichioi commune

  1. Valcea County Development of the spa and recreational infrastructure, treatment base, multifunctional centre, cure routes, Baile Olanesti

Building the promenade route on the Olt river dam, Calimanesti town

Recreational park in the spring catchment area, Central Hotel, Calimanesti

Organizing a camping area, Calimanesti town

Organizing a camping area, Horezu town

Development of the Adventure Park leisure infrastructure in the Voineasa resort, Voineasa commune

  1. Vrancea County Development of the tourist infrastructure in the Lepsa-Soveja area

Examples of eligible investments:

  • Spatial planning/rehabilitation/building of spa park
  • Rehabilitation of a kineto-therapy base, construction/rehabilitation of the installation for maximizing the choke-damp facilities
  • Aquapark/water park construction/rehabilitation
  • (Ski slope, cross-country ski trail, cable car, night lighting installation, artificial snow installation, ratrac, administrative building, parking lot and utilities related to the project, slope/sled route, infrastructure for other recreational activities, transport belt, trampoline, spatial planning/rehabilitation of a skating rink)
  • Winter theme parks
  • Creation/organising a recreation centre/area, organising lakes for touristic and recreation purposes
  • Skating rink building/rehabilitation/rehabilitation
  • Construction arrangement/rehabilitation of a picnic/camping area, holiday village
  • Construction/arrangement/rehabilitation of a first aid station/ lifeguard tower, construction/organisation /rehabilitation of a recreation port / tourist marina / tourist miniport, construction / reconstruction / arrangement / rehabilitation of a mooring point / pontoon, camping and fishing area in the Danube Delta
  • Recreation projects with a nautical specific, respectively: construction / arrangement / refurbishment of a marina / marina / tourist miniport
  • Creation/arrangement of a recreation centre/area, organising lakes/beaches for tourist purposes, etc.

Masterplan developed in a record time – one month, together with the study on which it was based

The explanatory memorandum shows how the action directions for developing investments in tourism have been identified and then the Masterplan has been drafted in record time:

„In July 2017, at the request of the Ministry of Tourism, the National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism developed a study on the development of public investments in the Romanian specific infrastructure for the period 2007-2016 and the main directions for their development, based on which the directions of action for developing the investments in tourism have been defined. This document recommended a set of specific objectives, the achievement of which will have the effect of increasing the level of tourist services in qualitative and quantitative terms.”

Major actions covered by Masterplan for Investments

  • The development of health tourism
  • The development of the ski area
  • The development of the leisure tourism infrastructure
  • The balanced and integrated development of the Danube Delta tourist area and the Black Sea resorts
  • The development of the tourist infrastructure along the Danube
  • The development of the tourist infrastructure in the high mountain area

Masterplan objectives – very vague, unquantifiable

The explanatory memorandum contains a list of truisms, but no data about possible targets set:

  • Although at present the share of tourism in the gross domestic product is low both at the national and regional level (about 2-3%), it can be easily doubled in the medium term, even without expanding the tourist accommodation structure
  • The economic benefits of the tourism industry are multiple
  • The tourism industry generates a significant number of jobs and investments in this field have a relatively short amortisation period
  • Transportation and real estate are two other important sectors that can benefit from the development of tourism

The objectives listed in the government decision:

  • development of local communities in areas with high tourism potential, by increasing the public investment in the tourism infrastructure
  • competitive development of tourism by identifying, evaluating, prioritizing by forms of tourism and an efficient targeting of public investment
  • developing a network of internationally competitive tourist destinations
  • sustainable exploitation of the local specificity and national identity through tourism
  • identifying an integrated approach to the tourism policy at the regional level through the sustainable development of the tourism
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