
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

In the absence of strategies to increase technological levels and raise wages, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) will remain in the average income trap without any prospect of closing the gap with the West, warns Martin Myant, senior...
12 februarie, 2018
According to the data published by Eurostat, Romania recorded the biggest decline in the gross energy consumption between 1996 and 2016 and the cumulated value over the two decades is -32.4%. The negative rhythm was against the general...
12 februarie, 2018
The data published by the INS for the third quarter of 2017 show that the total average income of a household reached 3,426 lei per family and 1,308 lei per family member. Noteworthy, a significant contribution to this...
12 februarie, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) revised the annual inflation rate (CPI) forecast at the end of 2018, from 3.2% to 3.5%, and projected a level of 3.1% for December 2019. And the estimates for the first two...
12 februarie, 2018
The Inclusive Development Index (IDI) makes an annual assessment of 103 countries, which, besides GDP, considers 12 elements of the economic growth, based on three main pillars: growth and development, social inclusion and equity between generations, sustainability in...
5 februarie, 2018
The Romanian Government benefits from the fifth largest share of environmental tax revenues, with 9% of total taxes and contributions, according to the data released by Eurostat on Wednesday. However, Romania is threatened with the infringement procedure because...
5 februarie, 2018
Romania has exceeded the 60% GDP per capita related to the EU average, according to data available after Eurostat released the preliminary estimate of the economic growth recorded at the EU and Eurozone level in 2017. The estimate...
5 februarie, 2018
According to the Eurostat data, Romania is at the lowest level of public investment as a share of GDP in the entire period monitored, with only 3.6%. The figure is valid for 2016, but neither in 2017 did...
29 ianuarie, 2018
Romanian leu has depreciated against the euro in the past year by less than two percent, as an annual average, a similar value to the US dollar and much lower than the pound (the latter affected by the...
29 ianuarie, 2018
The Romanian taxpayer’s relationship with the tax administration takes place mainly in the street, not in the virtual space That is what the Minister of Finance, Mr Ionut Misa, says today, January 23, 2018: The National Agency for...
29 ianuarie, 2018
Development disparities between Romania’s regions have diminished since the European integration, but the gaps between the relative incomes of people living in these regions have increased, according to data released by the National Prognosis Commission (CNP). Moreover, the...
29 ianuarie, 2018
2017 was the first year when the share of foreign (third states) workers initially established – instead of 3,000 permanent workers, as estimated initially based on the employers’ demand, there have been 3,211 people employed. It was a...
21 ianuarie, 2018
Given that the talks on the Eurozone reform held by the governments of France and Germany seem to get to no result, a possible solution arises from the academic environment of the two states: 14 prestigious French and...
21 ianuarie, 2018
Romania recorded an annual inflation of 2.6% at the end of 2017, according to the data provided by Eurostat for all member states. We are therefore ranked fourth in terms of price increases, at a high distance from...
21 ianuarie, 2018
After entering the negative range at the mid of 2017, the remuneration of deposits at commercial banks reached a worrying -2.23% per year, according to the data published in monthly BNR bulletin 11 / 2016. It is an...
15 ianuarie, 2018
Romanian companies missed the opportunity window in recent years, of financing at low interest rates. They considered this opportunity only in the second half of 2016, that is, when it began to fade out. The revival of the...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The average euro/leu exchange rate registered in 2017 the highest increase in the last five years, and the rate at the end of the year had the most consistent advance in the last eight years, according to official...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The policy of provisional status, promoted by the Government in the management of the state-owned companies, places serious obstacles to Romania’s pathway towards a member country of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The ability of...
15 ianuarie, 2018
Business people look with a temperate optimism and even with some signs of concern the real economic development of the real economy this year. Inflation, depreciation of the Romanian leu and uncertainties related to the fiscal framework are...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The National Prognosis Commission (CNP) has an optimistic view of the 2018 economic indicators, while major players in the banking field are much more cautious and sometimes have more severe outlooks because of the pressure of the interest...
15 ianuarie, 2018


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