
26 iulie, 2024


Romania has improved its competitiveness compared to the Czech Republic and Bulgaria at the regional level in recent years but lost ground compared to Croatia, Poland and Hungary, according to data released by Eurostat. With an index calculated...
12 aprilie, 2021
The structure of Romania’s economy has a number of peculiarities compared to the European average in terms of the contribution brought by major sectors to the formation of gross value added (GVA). On the one hand, industry and...
15 martie, 2021
The National Institute of Statistics confirmed the signal result of the economic growth for 2020 at the level of -3.9%, in the first preliminary version made public. The nominal value resulting from the overall calculation for the last...
15 martie, 2021
The pandemic has significantly changed the consumption habits but also the saving habits of Romanians, according to the INS data analysed by The saving rate registered a record increase in 2020 and the average of the first...
17 ianuarie, 2021
Over the last years, the United Kingdom has been Romania’s most important foreign trade partner, with which we have managed to record a significant trade surplus. Island economy’s exit from the community bloc and the establishment of barriers...
10 ianuarie, 2021
Romania was among the least affected EU member states in Q2 2020 in terms of temporary layoffs, reduced working hours or job losses, according to the analysis published by Eurostat. The consequences of Covid19 pandemic varied significantly from...
1 noiembrie, 2020
The public debt officially measured by the Ministry of Finance based on the European methodology advanced only in July 2020 almost as much as in the whole second quarter, when Romania was caught in the middle of the...
21 septembrie, 2020
Long-term interest rate for Romania fell by almost one percentage point in just two months, according to data released by Eurostat. After increasing up to 4.83% in April 2020, at the end of June it reached a level...
20 iulie, 2020
The National Institute of Statistics confirmed the economic growth of 2.4% in gross series and 2.7% in seasonally adjusted series for the first quarter of the current year compared to the same period of the previous year. The...
13 iulie, 2020
The trade deficit in July 2019 rose sharply to the historical record of EUR 1,755.5 million, by 38% more than in the same month of last year and 55% above the level of the previous month, according to...
16 septembrie, 2019
Romania ranked fourth in the second half of last year in the EU in terms of price increase in natural gas provided to the population, according to data released by Eurostat. With an increase of 16.3%, we ranked...
27 mai, 2019
Relatively recently joined the functional market economies club, although it has multiple pending development (not just economic) issues, Romania looked around and chose a poisonous mix of reduced incomes in terms of GDP share, specific to the Anglo-Saxon...
20 mai, 2019
Gross Domestic Product for the first quarter of 2019 increased by 5% in real terms compared to the same period of the previous year (5.1% adjusted by seasonality, which will be communicated to Eurostat for comparability with other...
20 mai, 2019
Simply put, data recorded over time in the monthly budget implementation published by the Ministry of Finance indicate a share of staff costs in total budget expenditure somewhere around 20% after the decrease forced by circumstances (to be...
13 mai, 2019
Germany (16.9%), France (11.7%) and Italy (9.5%) are the countries with the largest share in Romania’s economy by the number of employees in 80,905 groups of enterprises, according to data processed and published by INS for 2017. Along...
13 mai, 2019
Romania’s economy exceeded, at current prices in euros, Portugal’s economy in 2018, a country with a population and a surface two times smaller as Romania. As a result of Romania’s economic growth of 4.1% last year, GDP rose...
24 martie, 2019
Hourly labour costs grew by 13.09% in the fourth quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017, according to data announced by INS. This rhythm is in a slight decline compared to 13.91% recorded in the...
11 martie, 2019
The general consolidated budget ended the first month of 2019 with a surplus of RON 717 million or 0.07% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data published by the Ministry of Finance. The result...
3 martie, 2019
  Romania ranks second to last among EU states in terms of national gross minimum wage, according to data published by Eurostat, at a level of EUR 446. Bulgaria (EUR 286) and Latvia (EUR 430) are behind us...
11 februarie, 2019
Romania is clearly distinguishing itself within the EU in terms of current account deficit evolution, with the second highest current account deficit in 2017 and a steady upward trend since 2014, according to data updated by Eurostat in...
28 ianuarie, 2019

Brexit effect on Romanian foreign trade

Over the last years, the United Kingdom has been Romania’s most important foreign trade partner, with which we have managed to record a significant trade

Brexit effect on Romanian foreign trade

Over the last years, the United Kingdom has been Romania’s most important foreign trade partner, with which we have managed to record a significant trade


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