
16 iulie, 2024


  The ratio between the standard income obtained by a farm from the Netherlands and a farm from Romania is 92 to 1, according to the Eurostat data. They would have an average of 303,760 euros, while we...
31 decembrie, 2016
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Romania reached EUR 64,433 million last year, equivalent to 40% of annual GDP. Centralized BNR data shows that 70% of this amount (EUR45,098 million) was contribution to the equity (including reinvested earnings) of...
20 decembrie, 2016
One week before the parliamentary elections of 2016, when voters are called back to the polls, the Institute for Public Policy (IPP) shows by figures and summaries why it is important for us to elect future incorruptible deputies...
6 decembrie, 2016
The dozens of deaths on Romania’s roads from the recent weeks – be it the chain accidents on the Sun Motorway or those on DN2 and DN6 occurred during the last weekend – remind us of the dark...
24 noiembrie, 2016
Romania went up in the past decade from the 23st to the 21st position among the EU countries by the average duration of a resident’s active life, which reached an average of 32.8 years. That is below the...
20 noiembrie, 2016
Eurostat records list Romania as the country with the lowest public revenue among the EU member states, except for the strictly circumstantial case of Ireland. With only 28% of GDP representing clear revenues from taxes, available for subsequent...
9 noiembrie, 2016
Official statistics show that in 2008, when „the economy was roaring” more powerfully than now and there were plenty of foreign investments coming, the populist enthusiasm of the electoral campaign led to massive increases of pensions and salaries....
4 noiembrie, 2016
Romania ranks the second-to-last among EU member states in terms of number of enterprises rapidly growing (see the definition below), with a share of only 2.3%, four times lower than the European average. In these businesses, there are...
2 noiembrie, 2016
Romania ranks the last among the EU member states in terms of share of state employees in total workforce, according to data published by Eurostat in 2015. This situation exists even though we are the state that registered...
31 octombrie, 2016
Romania’s chronic trade deficit reached in 2015 about EUR 8.4 billion or 5.2% of the GDP recorded in the official statistics. This year it is heading to 6% of the GDP, which asks for an analysis of the...
24 octombrie, 2016
The National Institute of Statistics announced the final value of GDP for 2014 at 668,143.6 million lei, in current prices, representing a growth rate of 3.1% in real terms as compared to 2013. As compared to the semi-final...
13 octombrie, 2016
Given that the situation of the state budget revenues from privatization in the last quarter century is far from being clarified, the Court of Accounts started on Wednesday an audit on the management of state assets and the...
8 octombrie, 2016
Romania leads by far the European top of older people who are economically active, far from the Nordic and neighboring countries, according to Eurostat data. With 20.8% of the people between 65 and 84 years of age and...
6 octombrie, 2016


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