
16 iulie, 2024


Post-pandemic years are characterized by economies’ efforts to recover after the fall in 2020 and 2021, as well as by governments’ determination to make up for lost time and the funds swallowed by the health crisis. The evolution...
29 ianuarie, 2024
A former Soviet airbase in central Romania could become a hub for US Air Force operations in south-eastern Europe, where the Pentagon is seeking to bring alternately additional fighter jets, as part of a mission to discourage Russian...
13 iulie, 2020
Romania remains the weakest innovator in the EU, with a score in last year’s indicator ranking at only 31.6% of the EU’s average performance, according to 2020 Innovation Scoreboard. Our country is the only Member State with a...
28 iunie, 2020
Nuclearelectrica’s Board of Directors has been mandated to initiate proceedings to terminate negotiations with China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), as well as legal effects regarding the memorandum of understanding concluded in 2015 for building and operating units...
22 iunie, 2020
Although gross fixed capital formation had a surprising positive contribution to the economic growth in the first part of the year, members of the National Bank of Romania’s Board of Directors (BNR) are reluctant about the investment’s rebound,...
15 iulie, 2019
In the absence of a rapid response from the Romanian Government to the European Commission, there is a risk that Magurele Laser can no longer be completed during the current budget implementation, which will generate significant financial losses...
11 februarie, 2019
Austrian OMV Group postponed its decision on the Black Sea investment for next year, in the context of the offshore law adoption being postponed, Reuters reports. The draft was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday and...
29 octombrie, 2018
Bulgaria’s economy is smaller and somewhat less performing, but it seems to be a bit livelier. In terms of GDP/capita level, to paraphrase a popular saying, it does not matter the size only, it also matters what you...
3 septembrie, 2018
The voting machine of the Chamber of Deputies (decision chamber) approved on Wednesday – 174 votes for, 98 against and 3 abstentions – the Law on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI): 33 large...
11 iunie, 2018
Reducing contributions to Pillar 2 of the pension system will also amputate the contribution to future private pensions resulting from investments in large Romanian companies. Also, the companies’ capacity to develop by attracting resources on the capital market...
29 mai, 2018
The consistency of the measures needed to encourage public and private investment, as well as proposals for the development of the four major areas considered to be potentially competitive, are included in an AmCham report on the importance...
29 mai, 2018
Last year, total investment at the national level (both from the public and private sources) in the EU member states amounted to almost EUR 3,100 billion. Constructions accounted for about half of this amount, machinery, equipment and systems...
23 mai, 2018
The US and the EU support Transgaz-Reganosa (Spain) offer to take over the Greek natural gas transport operator DESFA, for geopolitical reasons, the Greek media said. The Greek media speculates that the European Union and the United States...
2 aprilie, 2018
Entrepreneurs and leaders of Romanian private companies are distrustful about the consumption-based economic growth model because it does not offer but a short-term perspective, according to the Romanian business environment winter Barometer published on Wednesday by EY Romania....
19 martie, 2018
The current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of EUR 6.464 billion last year, 85% higher than in 2016. The minus registered in the goods segment has widened by almost 30% and has reached over...
18 februarie, 2018
In the first three quarters of 2017, net investment in the national economy amounted to about RON 50 billion, up by 3.6%, compared to the same period in 2016, the National Institute of Statistics announced. This is the...
18 decembrie, 2017
We can hope that the measures announced by the Ministry of Finance in last week’s government meeting are still under debate. So, we shall formulate below a picture, not so much of the „little things” that every taxpayer...
6 noiembrie, 2017
Ford officially launched the production of the EcoSport SUV at the plant in Craiova, raising total investments in Romania to about EUR 1.2 billion, since the takeover of the factory in 2008. The number of employees will increase...
16 octombrie, 2017
The Tourism Investment Masterplan, approved on Friday by Mihai Tudose cabinet, contains 29 projects of local importance and three of national interest and all of them will be made with money from the state budget and from local...
14 august, 2017
The available drafts on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) do not specify the strategy, objectives, management mechanisms or the control mode of the FSDI, the economists asked by warn. These drafts give...
31 iulie, 2017


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