
16 iulie, 2024


The largest share of taxes in the natural gas price structure for households has been recorded in Denmark (55% of the price), the Netherlands (53%), Romania (47%) and Sweden (44%) in the first half of this year, according...
4 decembrie, 2017
There are 1.8 million children in Romania at risk of poverty and social exclusion, according to the Eurostat statistics. As a percentage, about half of the minor children were in this situation (49.2% of the total number of...
27 noiembrie, 2017
Romania ranks last among the EU member states by the share of public sector employees in the total workforce, according to data published by Eurostat for 2016. That, although we registered the highest increase in the percentage of...
6 noiembrie, 2017
The percentage of Romanians who consider the EU membership to be a good thing has dropped from 54% in March this year to just 48% in October, according to a survey conducted by Kantar Public for the European...
22 octombrie, 2017
If the PSD-ALDE alliance does not reconsider the measure of transferring all social contributions to the employees, Romania will be the first EU country where employers will no longer contribute to financing the social security system. In the...
9 octombrie, 2017
Member states are trying to reach a consensus by October about the European Commission’s proposals to amend the European Directive on posted workers. Although it is a new subject dividing the European Union (Western Europe and the former...
25 septembrie, 2017
The budget allocated by the EU to the Regional Policy will decrease by approximately 10-12% after the exit of the UK from the Union, said the European Commissioner responsible for this field, Corina Cretu. This minus will have...
11 septembrie, 2017
* GDP growth before and after EU accession Source: World Bank * Romanians registered the largest advance of the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita among the Central and Eastern Europe countries in 2016, compared to 2003, even...
11 septembrie, 2017
Eurostatistics represents a synthesis based on a set of standardized and harmonized indicators for comparability between countries at the European level (Principal European Economic Indicators – PEEIs). These indicators are monthly published and reviewed to provide a synthetic...
4 septembrie, 2017
  Romania ranked fourth in the EU in 2016 by the proportion of young people (20-34) who are neither employed nor included in a form of education, with the percentage of 23.5%, according to the data provided by...
28 august, 2017
In the European Union, more than 2.8 million hectares have been allocated to fruit production and other 2.1 million hectares to the production of vegetables. Eurostat has published the profiled rankings, where Romania, the seventh EU country by...
7 august, 2017
Romania has joined the European Union with the highest inequality in population incomes among the member states and continues to rank second, according to the data released by Eurostat. Instead of being part of the Central European group...
24 iulie, 2017
„If you work, you do not have time to make money” according to an increasingly popular Romanian saying, confirmed by the data published by Eurostat. Data which places us at the top of the EU by the proportion...
24 iulie, 2017
Romania ranks 75th in the world according to the United Nations E–Government Development Index for 2016 and belongs to the “Neophytes Cluster” at this crucial chapter for public administration, according to an OECD report. That is the organization...
10 iulie, 2017
The cascading increase of the national minimum wage in Romania has caused a bizarre phenomenon – which the specialty textbooks seem to have foreseen only in the extreme scenarios. It is the reaction of the economy to the...
10 iulie, 2017
  The Common Agricultural Policy was beneficial to Romanian agriculture. The problem is that too few Romanian farmers have managed to grow enough to not suffer if the system changes Only one thing was working well in Romania...
10 iulie, 2017
Approximately one fifth of the EU enterprises hired IT specialists in 2016. Unfortunately, contrary to the public perception that we are relatively good at this key chapter of the 21st-century technology, Romania ranks again last among the EU...
3 iulie, 2017
Romania has reached 63% of the EU 28 average living standard in 2016, according to the actual individual consumption indicator (AIC), according to the data released by Eurostat. By the more familiar way of measuring the living standards,...
25 iunie, 2017
Key points: The question is not whether Romania’s ambiguous foreign policy, pro-American and pro-European, is correct and should be continued, for any lucid and minimally prepared mind can confirm this, but whether in the long run there might...
15 iunie, 2017
In Romania, Revolution 4.0 is postponed for now indefinitely. With a proportion of only 11 robots per 10,000 employees in the manufacturing industry, compared to the regional average of 60, our country is unacceptably late for the start....
22 mai, 2017


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