
14 iulie, 2024

11 septembrie, 2017

The budget allocated by the EU to the Regional Policy will decrease by approximately 10-12% after the exit of the UK from the Union, said the European Commissioner responsible for this field, Corina Cretu. This minus will have to be covered by member states through national project contributions, the EU official explained.

I am worried that the EU’s overall budget will decline in terms of the policy that I am coordinating, and our estimates are that the drop in the amounts will be between 10-12%.

Indeed, negotiations with the UK are not going well. In the UK, there is a propaganda about the „divorce invoice” and the punishment the EU wants to apply.

It is not like that. It is in fact the UK’s obligations, because they were in the Council when they voted the amounts for each country.

They are in favour of the idea that in March 2019, if they leave the EU, the next day to not pay their contribution to the EU budget any longer.

We believe that they must pay their contribution by 2023, because if they do not, they will not hit us, as they say, the „bureaucrats in Brussels” but will hit the least developed countries in these regions less developed, because they have the most projects and will have to replenish this percentage of 10-12% with money from national resources.

You do realize in what bad position I would be to go from village to village and say: „We have committed to give you, but we do not have from where because the UK no longer contributes,” said Corina Cretu, during a visit to Romania.

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