
16 iulie, 2024


Present for the first time in Bucharest in his official role as President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker sent a very clear message to Romania on Thursday: Europe has no time to still wait and it will...
14 mai, 2017
The Parliament voted on Tuesday, with an overwhelming majority, the redefinition of the family in the Constitution. The amendments do not concern though only the explicit mention of the male-female couple which should be the basis of marriage....
14 mai, 2017
New Eurostat data confirms that more and more people going abroad for work settle in the destination countries. 28,400 Romanians were granted citizenship in another EU member state in 2015 compared to 24,300 in 2014. It is spectacular...
7 mai, 2017
Romania marks one more indicator where it ranks the last in the European Union, namely the share of workers with a temporary employment relationship. The level of 1.4% announced by Eurostat for 2016 is ten times lower than...
6 mai, 2017
At the end of 2016, there were 4,763 million employees in Romania with permanent, full-time contracts, according to the data from the Ministry of Labour. If the expanding employment pace maintains, in 2017 we will reach the record...
1 mai, 2017
The latest Eurostat data on two education indicators reveal the Romanian education system. Romania is the EU country with the lowest rate of university graduates in the total population aged 30-34 (25.6%). But it ranks 3rd, after Spain...
1 mai, 2017
Trade exchanges with the EU countries amounted last year to about EUR 43 billion in exports (75% of total exports) and almost EUR 52 billion in imports (77% of total imports). In terms of non-EU trade, exports amounted...
23 aprilie, 2017
  The trade deficit in the first two months of 2017 was EUR 1.259 million, 27% higher than the same period of the previous year, according to the INS data. The exports increased at a good pace (+...
15 aprilie, 2017
Romania leads by far among the EU countries with the highest growth of the labour costs, according to the Eurostat data for 2016. With an increase of + 11.6% (in euro) registered last year, our country is far...
15 aprilie, 2017
Romania ranks last among the EU countries both in terms of assets and liabilities of households to GDP, according to the latest data published by Eurostat for 2015. With assets (holdings) of only 72.6% of GDP and liabilities...
9 aprilie, 2017
The weeks before the EU summit in Rome, along with the five scenarios outlined by J.C. Juncker before starting the discussions, have also set Romania on fire. The vague terms (several „speeds”, „different rhythms and intensities”, „the hard...
9 aprilie, 2017
Despite the vehement reactions of the authorities from Bucharest against the multi-speed Europe, the reality on the ground (literally, on the ground) shows that we remained a country completely disconnected from the European Union. The maps that we present...
27 martie, 2017
Although they will weigh heavily only after 2019, when the exit of the UK from the European Union will have effectively completed, the effects of Brexit on Romania, as on the other Central and Eastern European countries are...
27 martie, 2017
Romania is increasingly specializing in the extremes of the demand range. High-quality products for the foreign markets or parts incorporated at low prices in quality products marketed as final products in other countries. Along with products at a modest...
20 martie, 2017
Member of the European Parliament Siegfried Muresan (photo) said in Strasbourg that the idea of a multispeed Europe is not wrong altogether, and Romania should negotiate on the proposals of the EC president, Jean-Claude Juncker, suggesting for our...
19 martie, 2017
Romania ranks second in the ranking of families from the European Union who spend more than 40% of their income on home utilities (electricity, gas, heating, water and sanitation). Almost 16% of the families from Romania exceed the...
12 martie, 2017
Romania ranks first in the European Union in terms of share of spending for food in the household budgets and ranks last in three categories of expenses: clothing and footwear, catering and insurance, according to the data of...
16 februarie, 2017
The convergence with the Western Europe means more than just the growth that would cancel gaps in terms of standards of living but keep us on the current coordinates in terms of customs and mentalities. Two Eurostat statistics...
3 februarie, 2017
Only in three sectors from Romania, the wages reached the level allowed by the GDP in euro related to the market prices, according to a study by Eurostat for all member states based on the data become final...
27 ianuarie, 2017
The exit of UK from the European Union, abbreviated Brexit, will cause a decrease of the EU’s GDP of about one-sixth but significantly increase the surplus of the EU trade balance. According to Eurostat, in current prices, the...
24 ianuarie, 2017


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