
16 iulie, 2024


Somewhat paradoxically, the unequal distribution of income in Romania decreased during the crisis and returned in 2015 to a higher level than at the time of joining the European Union. In other words, the benefits of resuming the...
11 ianuarie, 2017
  Romanians’ purchasing power returned to the benchmark set for October 1990 with the accession to the European Union. From a level of 93.5% in October 2006, this indicator climbed to 109.6% in October 2007 and exceeded the...
4 ianuarie, 2017
  The ratio between the standard income obtained by a farm from the Netherlands and a farm from Romania is 92 to 1, according to the Eurostat data. They would have an average of 303,760 euros, while we...
31 decembrie, 2016
Trade deficit for the first ten months of this year was EUR7,899.8 million, about 23% higher than the same period of last year. The coverage ratio of imports by exports maintained below 90%, level that have been exceeded...
14 decembrie, 2016
According to the Eurostat certified data, Romania met last year 13 of the 14 indicators set for the dashboard of the macroeconomic situation of member states. In terms of economic balances, we rank 2nd, tied with Poland and...
12 decembrie, 2016
The dozens of deaths on Romania’s roads from the recent weeks – be it the chain accidents on the Sun Motorway or those on DN2 and DN6 occurred during the last weekend – remind us of the dark...
24 noiembrie, 2016
In the context of the significant drop in energy prices, our decision makers have been hesitant to act on that and from the position where we had by far the lowest price of natural gas for industry of...
24 noiembrie, 2016
The Chancellery of the Prime Minister announced on Monday the launch of a series of public debates on Romania’s priority themes and policies in preparing the presidency of the EU Council, to be taken over in 2019. According...
24 noiembrie, 2016
Romania went up in the past decade from the 23st to the 21st position among the EU countries by the average duration of a resident’s active life, which reached an average of 32.8 years. That is below the...
20 noiembrie, 2016
We start from the certainties in 2016 – when Romania will most likely have the highest economic growth among the EU states: INS announced an economic growth of 5% for the first half of the year. In absolute...
7 noiembrie, 2016
President Klaus Iohannis expressed his worries on Wednesday that 30% of the Romanian agricultural land is owned by foreigners, arguing that the law should be amended in this area. „It is also of utmost importance for Romania who...
4 noiembrie, 2016
Romania ranks the second-to-last among EU member states in terms of number of enterprises rapidly growing (see the definition below), with a share of only 2.3%, four times lower than the European average. In these businesses, there are...
2 noiembrie, 2016
Romania ranks 32th among 61 countries surveyed in mid-2016, right after Poland and South Africa, but before Mexico and Bosnia-Herzegovina in terms of quality of life, according to website. The criteria analysed included the purchasing power, the...
26 octombrie, 2016
A recent statement of the Governor of the central bank has sparked heated public discussions. Mr. Mugur Isarescu said that Romania’s macroeconomic situation in the last 26 years has never been better than now, neither were the risks...
25 octombrie, 2016
Romania became the tenth EU economy by purchasing power parity adjusted GDP, according to data published by Eurostat. Over the past decade, our country surpassed, based on this indicator, countries like Greece (passing through a deep public debt...
17 octombrie, 2016
Romania leads by far the European top of older people who are economically active, far from the Nordic and neighboring countries, according to Eurostat data. With 20.8% of the people between 65 and 84 years of age and...
6 octombrie, 2016
An area that does not feels – thank God – the electoral politics. In an interview for, Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc speaks about the implementation against the clock of the decisions taken by NATO at the summit...
4 octombrie, 2016
O treime (adică 3,6 de milioane) dintre exploatațiile agricole europene se află în România, au o suprafață medie de 3,6 hectare, iar 41% din ele sunt administrate de persoane peste 65 de ani, potrivit unor date recente ale...
8 decembrie, 2015


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