
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

  The Ministry of Economy announced on Tuesday the completion of the project for sustainable economic development „Competitive Romania”. The budget required for full implementation of the strategy „Competitive Romania” is EUR18 billion and represents about 10.7% of...
11 decembrie, 2016
The impact of the national minimum salary on the work productivity is negative – an increase of the minimum salary by 10% would have as result a decrease of the work productivity by 2.3%, according to a study...
8 decembrie, 2016
One week before the parliamentary elections of 2016, when voters are called back to the polls, the Institute for Public Policy (IPP) shows by figures and summaries why it is important for us to elect future incorruptible deputies...
6 decembrie, 2016
The eight largest metropolitan areas of Romania (Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Craiova, Iasi, Ploiesti and Timisoara) represent 50% of the country’s population and 75% of the “firm revenues”. Their development potential is though insufficiently tapped – according to...
5 decembrie, 2016
  While the government programs of parties competing for the Parliament focus on tax cuts, after 2 years of tax cuts, policies for internal convergence are lacking. The state’s intervention to stimulate development, replaced with the politics for...
30 noiembrie, 2016
Romania ranks 15th among the trade partners of the Eurozone, far behind other countries that were part of the Eastern bloc, such as Poland (4th), the Czech Republic (6th) and Hungary (10th). The degree of integration into the...
27 noiembrie, 2016
Russian companies have reached in November 2016 at a share of 25% of the Romanian gas market, up from only 5% in January. The mechanism that allowed that is complicated and it is hard to know today whether...
27 noiembrie, 2016
Drastic polarisation of the business environment – a phenomenon that makes half of the companies in Romania to „fight” on 2% of the total turnover – has consequences. A related phenomenon, the distortion of the competitive environment in...
24 noiembrie, 2016
The dozens of deaths on Romania’s roads from the recent weeks – be it the chain accidents on the Sun Motorway or those on DN2 and DN6 occurred during the last weekend – remind us of the dark...
24 noiembrie, 2016
In the context of the significant drop in energy prices, our decision makers have been hesitant to act on that and from the position where we had by far the lowest price of natural gas for industry of...
24 noiembrie, 2016
Romania went up in the past decade from the 23st to the 21st position among the EU countries by the average duration of a resident’s active life, which reached an average of 32.8 years. That is below the...
20 noiembrie, 2016
Business environment’s polarization seems to be one of the main problems of the Romanian economy. Iancu Guda, general manager of COFACE and chairman of the Association of Financial and Banking Analysts from Romania, has analysed this phenomenon at...
17 noiembrie, 2016
With the 51 (plus the one that is now preparing, 52) strategies for Romania’s development prepared in the last decade – all made in detail – one thing is clear: we have no „luck” in strategies! In the...
16 noiembrie, 2016
With a delay of two years, the electronic health record (DES) entered into force. Starting Saturday, all healthcare providers, no matter if they are public or private, whether or not they have a contract with the National Health...
14 noiembrie, 2016
Photo caption: ELI-NP (image from the project) Magurele, a small town in the immediate vicinity of Bucharest, will soon house the largest laser in the world. Government and people hope that the town having about 10,000 inhabitants and...
13 noiembrie, 2016
Eurostat records list Romania as the country with the lowest public revenue among the EU member states, except for the strictly circumstantial case of Ireland. With only 28% of GDP representing clear revenues from taxes, available for subsequent...
9 noiembrie, 2016
The average net salary announced by the National Institute of Statistics on Monday, for September 2016, was 2,094 lei, 18 lei or almost one percent higher than in the previous month. Expressed in the European single currency, the...
9 noiembrie, 2016
We start from the certainties in 2016 – when Romania will most likely have the highest economic growth among the EU states: INS announced an economic growth of 5% for the first half of the year. In absolute...
7 noiembrie, 2016
The other day I watched on TV how PNL leaders presented as a great achievement the submission of the draft law for implementing the ATAD Directive (2016 – Anti Tax Avoidance Directive) that, according to them, would allow...
6 noiembrie, 2016
Official statistics show that in 2008, when „the economy was roaring” more powerfully than now and there were plenty of foreign investments coming, the populist enthusiasm of the electoral campaign led to massive increases of pensions and salaries....
4 noiembrie, 2016


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