
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

After solving the wage increases and amending the Tax Code, the parliamentary majority started the second week of exercising the governance: amending the criminal legislation, especially that part relating to the situation of prosecuted and convicted people. The...
20 ianuarie, 2017
Romania has achieved a score of 57.06 points following the calculations for the global 2017 Bloomberg Innovation Index and ranked 38th out of 50 positions in the top innovative economies. Our country missed the 2016 ranking and in...
19 ianuarie, 2017
The average national gross salary announced by INS for November 2016 exceeded the psychological threshold of 3,000 lei by five lei, after an increase of 3% in the previous month. The average net wage had also a three...
19 ianuarie, 2017
The social security spending increased over the ten years of EU membership by slightly more than two percent of GDP and about a quarter of the allocations for pre-accession, all in relation to the country’s economic outcome. This...
19 ianuarie, 2017
In a time when all public attention has been focused on redistributing the benefits of a robust economic growth, presumed to happen by itself, almost nobody is looking at the sector of activity which sets, in fact, the...
15 ianuarie, 2017
  The Fiscal Council estimated Wednesday that the budgetary impact of the social measures decided by Grindeanu government will amount 8.9 billion lei, representing 1.1% of GDP. Presidential Adviser Cosmin Marinescu, Head of the Department of Economic and...
13 ianuarie, 2017
Somewhat paradoxically, the unequal distribution of income in Romania decreased during the crisis and returned in 2015 to a higher level than at the time of joining the European Union. In other words, the benefits of resuming the...
11 ianuarie, 2017
Just appointed in office, Grindeanu government implemented the first social measures announced by PSD since the elections, among which the decision that employees will pay pension and healthcare contributions calculated for the total wage, as the current maximum...
11 ianuarie, 2017
The emergency ordinance by which Grindeanu government will increase some wages of the employees from the public service (salaries in administration, culture) will have a budget impact of – 5.13 billion lei in 2017, according to the draft...
8 ianuarie, 2017
So it begins / Ombudsman challenges in the CCR law banning offenders to lead Romania. „Indignation” for the Presidency: it opens the door for convicts to take decisions The Ombudsman filed a notice to the CCR, Thursday, on...
8 ianuarie, 2017
The PSD-ALDE coalition submitted a government program to Parliament. It emerges from the document the current government’s intention to control most of the economy against the background of social tranquillity created by tax cuts, pension and salary increases....
6 ianuarie, 2017
  Romanians’ purchasing power returned to the benchmark set for October 1990 with the accession to the European Union. From a level of 93.5% in October 2006, this indicator climbed to 109.6% in October 2007 and exceeded the...
4 ianuarie, 2017
During the time since joining the European Union, dividends distributed to foreign investors exceeded EUR 20 billion and interest paid on loans to their local enterprises from Romania have also brought them about EUR 6.5 billion. In almost...
3 ianuarie, 2017
  The ratio between the standard income obtained by a farm from the Netherlands and a farm from Romania is 92 to 1, according to the Eurostat data. They would have an average of 303,760 euros, while we...
31 decembrie, 2016
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Romania reached EUR 64,433 million last year, equivalent to 40% of annual GDP. Centralized BNR data shows that 70% of this amount (EUR45,098 million) was contribution to the equity (including reinvested earnings) of...
20 decembrie, 2016
Eurostat has published an analysis of the price levels in the European countries that allows comparisons regarding the purchasing power and shows where we are compared to our colleagues from the EU. To calculate the coefficients that allow...
19 decembrie, 2016
Although a good thing apparently, the economic growth, accompanied by an increased number of employed people hides a systemic failure: in Romania, tendency is for the economic sectors relying on unskilled work to strengthen. A keen analysis of...
14 decembrie, 2016
Trade deficit for the first ten months of this year was EUR7,899.8 million, about 23% higher than the same period of last year. The coverage ratio of imports by exports maintained below 90%, level that have been exceeded...
14 decembrie, 2016
The average net earning announced by INS for October 2016 was 2,108 lei, 14 lei or 0.7% higher than the previous month. Expressed in the single European currency, the average net wage was 467 euros or 942 euros,...
14 decembrie, 2016
According to the Eurostat certified data, Romania met last year 13 of the 14 indicators set for the dashboard of the macroeconomic situation of member states. In terms of economic balances, we rank 2nd, tied with Poland and...
12 decembrie, 2016


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