
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

The tensions hidden by Romania’s economic growth in 2016 (4.8%) are visible in the results of the 20 largest Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), according to their data reported to the stock exchange. The...
27 februarie, 2017
  I usually do not keep in touch with the mob representatives that decapitalized Romania, even if some of them were sources of information for me in the last 24 years. Taking that into account, I have a...
25 februarie, 2017
The Minister of Labour Lia Olguta Vasilescu confirmed last week in a TV show that the pension and salary increases will apply in the next four years exactly as they are written in the electoral leaflet of the...
22 februarie, 2017
Romania’s accession to the OECD is a major goal of the Romanian foreign policy since 2004. After 7 governments at Victoria Palace and 13 years since establishing this objective, during which the OECD has received new members 2...
20 februarie, 2017
The management of the inter-ministerial committee in charge of drafting the legislation on royalties has been taken over by the Ministry of Economy from the Ministry of Finance (MFP) said on Wednesday Ionut Misa, Ministry of Finance State...
19 februarie, 2017
Having summarised the state budget revenue and expenditure (BS), let us see how they integrate into the consolidated general budget (BGC), of which they represent about a half and where they add to the amounts from the local...
19 februarie, 2017
Romania ranks first in the European Union in terms of share of spending for food in the household budgets and ranks last in three categories of expenses: clothing and footwear, catering and insurance, according to the data of...
16 februarie, 2017
  The expenditure from the 2017 state budget has been planned with an increase almost three times higher than the economic growth foreseen in the draft budget (certain 14.9% by law, against an economic growth forecast, debatable, of...
13 februarie, 2017
The great undertaking of the 2017 budget execution has been launched, with the presumption of 50 basis points decrease in the current revenues, according to the data from the Ministry of Finance website. Almost the whole increase of...
12 februarie, 2017
Romania suffers from applying the environmental requirements agreed at the EU level, even when the Romanian legislation reflects them „accurately”, according to The EU Environmental Implementation Review, a report by the European Commission (EC) on the application of...
12 februarie, 2017
Between the deductions of tax on pension, criminalizing the abuse of office and partial application of democracy there is a material connection, as concrete as possible. And especially financially measurable. Based on the de facto connivance of two...
9 februarie, 2017
  Yields of the Romanian securities have rapidly increased following the political chaos, the reaction of the society and the uncertainties underlying the budget that marked the last week. A rising level of the yields indicates a decreasing...
7 februarie, 2017
The Fiscal Council released on Friday its opinion regarding the Law on the state budget, the Law on the state social insurance budget for 2017 and the Fiscal-Budgetary Strategy for 2017 -2019, warning on „a high probability for...
5 februarie, 2017
The convergence with the Western Europe means more than just the growth that would cancel gaps in terms of standards of living but keep us on the current coordinates in terms of customs and mentalities. Two Eurostat statistics...
3 februarie, 2017
1 February 2017: an important day for the labour market. Increasing the national minimum wage from 1,250 lei to 1,450 lei will involve an annual increase of 16% of the minimum cost of labour. That will inevitably have effect...
2 februarie, 2017
Adoption. On the night of January 31/1 February 2017, it has been published in the Official Gazette 92/2017 the Government Emergency Ordinance 13/2017 that amends the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. In the same night, it...
2 februarie, 2017
The most recent version of the draft state budget discussed on Friday by the Government, which is also to be analysed by CSAT on the national defence component, relies on estimated revenues of 117,087 billion lei, by 600 million...
31 ianuarie, 2017
Only in three sectors from Romania, the wages reached the level allowed by the GDP in euro related to the market prices, according to a study by Eurostat for all member states based on the data become final...
27 ianuarie, 2017
Romania’s GDP is to grow between 2017 – 2020 at a more rapid pace than previously expected, according to the winter economic forecast by the National Commission for Prognosis (CNP). Data presented resemble an old joke about the...
26 ianuarie, 2017
The exit of UK from the European Union, abbreviated Brexit, will cause a decrease of the EU’s GDP of about one-sixth but significantly increase the surplus of the EU trade balance. According to Eurostat, in current prices, the...
24 ianuarie, 2017


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