
16 iulie, 2024

English Main

The consolidated general budget ended the first month of 2018 with a surplus of 0.21% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance. The result reported is much weaker...
12 martie, 2018
Despite the Brexit, the UK has strengthened in 2016 its position as a preferred country for Romanians who go to work abroad, according to the latest INS data. Statistics also confirm an important phenomenon that has recently occurred:...
12 martie, 2018
Romania, probably the only country in the world where the reform of the tax authority is required only by business community and citizens Considering that there are strong reasons for cancelling the ANAF reform project, the World Bank...
12 martie, 2018
Romania will pay more than RON 10 billion in 2018 only for interest and fees on foreign debt, according to the Ministry of Finance’s forecast of the government public debt service. The situation was valid before the last...
12 martie, 2018
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, Eurostat gave us a news that puts us in a very positive light at the level of the European Union: Romania is the European champion of gender equality in the...
12 martie, 2018
The latest official data close to reality shows that on January 1, 2016, there were almost three million Romanians who were residents in another member state. The figure is provided by Eurostat and was calculated based on the...
5 martie, 2018
  When publishing the data on wage levels and purchasing power in the EU member states, Eurostat also implicitly offered the first estimates of the relative price levels in these countries. Somehow surprisingly, Romania displays a level of...
5 martie, 2018
The season of dividends starts also in 2018 strongly stimulated by the government memorandum that forces state-owned companies to allocate „at least” 90% of their 2017 profits to dividends. On the other hand, energy companies have investment plans...
5 martie, 2018
Following the systematic increases in recent years and the transfer of contributions from the employer to the employee, Romania has surpassed Lithuania in terms of minimum gross wage and went up to the 18th position out of 28...
5 martie, 2018
From the growth in profits of energy companies and banks to decreases in other industries, companies’ preliminary financial results in 2017 express the contradictory developments in the economy, according to the reports that companies submitted to the Bucharest...
26 februarie, 2018
The financial and compliance audits carried out last year by the Court of Auditors identified 21,427 irregularities, damages of RON 687.6 million, the total impact of financial and accounting errors amounting to RON 43.225 billion. The additional revenues...
26 februarie, 2018
The trade deficit was EUR 12,955.7 million in 2017, 30% higher than in the previous year. Despite a more robust economic growth, the import coverage ratio by exports dropped to just 86.4%, almost at the level of the...
26 februarie, 2018
Beyond the efforts towards the convergence with the West, which are given a sub-unitary concrete form but on an increasing trend towards the 60% threshold on average, Romania has some supra-unitary social indicators (expressed in percentages of over,...
26 februarie, 2018
The current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of EUR 6.464 billion last year, 85% higher than in 2016. The minus registered in the goods segment has widened by almost 30% and has reached over...
18 februarie, 2018
Romania recorded a 0.78% price increase in the first month of the year compared to the previous month, which led to an inflation rate of 4.32% at the beginning of 2018. The average inflation rate of the last...
18 februarie, 2018
Romanian taxpayers waiting for ANAF reform The World Bank found that ANAF’s modernization process stalled immediately after the first stage of the acquisition of the revenue management system, completed in October 2017. Under these circumstances, after a review...
18 februarie, 2018
Romania ranked last year second to last among the EU member states in terms of R&D expenditure as a share of GDP. With only 0.48%, our country recorded in terms of allocations to this field less than a...
18 februarie, 2018
  The financing costs of Romania and Hungary have increased, while costs of other Central European countries have maintained steady in the last week – with the mention that Romania has, anyway, double yields compared to Hungary. But...
18 februarie, 2018
The Berlin Think Tank European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR) published the 2018 edition of the EU Cohesion Monitor – an analysis of the cohesion of the 28 EU members. From a European perspective, Italy is the most...
12 februarie, 2018
The National Prognosis Commission (CNP), an institution under the government authority, radically changed the economic growth for 2017, from 6.1% in last autumn forecast to 7.1%, according to the winter forecast, which has been released at the end...
12 februarie, 2018


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