
18 iulie, 2024


Puncte cheie: Despre slăbirea relațiilor transatlantice se vorbește de peste două decenii, practic după Războiul Rece apărând mai multe situații stânjenitoare și chiar scandaluri – politice, economice, militare, de spionaj reciproc etc. – în timpul cărora alianța strategică...
16 mai, 2018
Anul trecut, investiţiile totale la nivel naţional ( atât din surse publice cât şi din surse private) în statele membre UE s-au ridicat până la aproape 3.100 miliarde euro. Construcţiile au reprezentat aproximativ jumătate din această sumă, maşinile,...
14 mai, 2018
  Romania’s economy ranks 16th in the European Union and represents 1.23% of the EU economy, according to the data published by Eurostat for 2017, on GDP expressed in euro (nominal values). We have surpassed Greece, and Portugal...
14 mai, 2018
The Government adopted on Thursday the emergency ordinance on public-private partnership (PPP), which amends previous regulations. The law from 2016 remained inapplicable because „ implementing rules to which it refers have not been adopted„, writes in the explanatory...
14 mai, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) surprised a part of the market on Monday with the decision to raise its monetary policy rate to 2.5% (from 2.25%). The increase in the key rate occurred despite the auspices that...
14 mai, 2018
The trade deficit in March 2018 exceeded again the threshold of EUR 1 billion after the values in the first two months were significantly lower. However, the amount of EUR 1,056.7 million was only 1.6% higher than in...
14 mai, 2018
The European Commission has approved on Monday the acquisition of Italian company Ilva by ArcelorMittal. The decision is conditional on the disposal of several assets owned by Arcelor in Europe to preserve the competition on the EU steel...
14 mai, 2018
Romania is the European country with the lowest spending in the health sector. However, DNA statistics show that the bribe in this field is higher – it can reach 25% of the value of the contracts, as opposed...
14 mai, 2018
The Tax Code and Fiscal Procedure Code will be amended by the end of this year with a „fair and logical” approach without „populist” initiatives, to create predictability, Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici said on Friday in Suceava. He...
14 mai, 2018
Potrivit datelor publicate de Institutul Național de Statistică, din comerţul României cu Ungaria, Polonia şi Slovacia a rezultat anul trecut aproape 43% din deficitul consemnat de ţara noastră în comerţul exterior. Pentru comparaţie, trebuie amintit că rezultatul negativ...
13 mai, 2018
Pe termen mediu și lung, companiile din România pierd business din cauza infrastructurii dezarticulate; țara în ansamblu pierde noi investiții, bugetul de stat pierde de două ori – și taxele în plus de la companiile care și-ar putea...
10 mai, 2018
Anunţul lui Donald Trump privind retragerea SUA din acordul cu Iranul este o decizie cu implicaţii majore asupra securităţii globale, a declarat la Digi24 fostul ministru de externe, Cristian Diaconescu. În această ecuație, România ar putea avea un...
9 mai, 2018
România se poziţionează, alături de ţările cu regim valutar similar din regiune (foste colege de bloc socialist ce au aderat la UE dar încă nu au adoptat euro, păstrând flotarea monedei naţionale faţă de moneda unică europeană) în...
8 mai, 2018
The European Union’s 2021-2027 multiannual budget proposal, presented on Wednesday by the European Commission, should not be accepted in this form by the Romanian Government because it provides for a 5% cut in European funds for cohesion policy...
7 mai, 2018
Businesses in Romania face the 18th world’s highest complexity of the accounting and tax systems. The complexity level of tax and accounting requirements in Romania went up 36 positions in one year in 2018 Financial Complexity Index, according...
7 mai, 2018
More than half of the annual inflation rate in March 2018 (which went up to 4.95%) was the result of commodity and commodity price increases in the consumer basket which had prices administered or heavily influenced by indirect...
7 mai, 2018
Romania ranked fourth among the EU member states last year in terms of employment growth, according to data published by Eurostat. With an advance of 2.5 percentage points, we ranked after Bulgaria (+ 3.6%), Slovenia (+3.3%) and Portugal...
7 mai, 2018
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), the operator of London Stock Exchange, announced that it will open a business services centre in Bucharest through the Group’s specialized company, Business Services Ltd (BSL). BSL provides services in technology, database,...
7 mai, 2018
President Klaus Iohannis announced on Wednesday that he is referring to the Constitutional Court of Romania the Parliament’s amendments to the three laws on the judiciary. He will also refer to the Venice Commission and publicly asked the...
7 mai, 2018
Romanian businesses control only 6.8% of the 78,181 groups of companies in Romania. There have been 78,181 groups of enterprises identified, out of which 5,311 are resident groups and 72,870 multinational groups, according to the data of the...
7 mai, 2018


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