
16 iulie, 2024

7 mai, 2018

Romanian businesses control only 6.8% of the 78,181 groups of companies in Romania.

There have been 78,181 groups of enterprises identified, out of which 5,311 are resident groups and 72,870 multinational groups, according to the data of the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on 2016, published on Wednesday and quoted by Agerpres.

Only 271 (0.3%) of multinationals are controlled locally, and 72,599 are controlled from abroad.

Fields of activity

The distribution of enterprise groups in Romania by economic activity (according to CAEN code Rev.2) shows that most of them are active in the following fields:

  • 35% – Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles,
  • 11% of the total enterprise groups in construction field; 11% – manufacturing
  • 9% – professional, scientific and technical activities,
  • 8% – real estate transactions.

Domestic enterprise groups are mainly active in the following areas:

  • wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles – 20%;
  • manufacturing – 12%;
  • professional, scientific and technical activities – 12%;
  • other service activities – 11%;
  • construction – 10%.

Most active foreigners

By the share of employee number, most of the sub-groups of enterprises in Romania are controlled from Germany, France and Italy, which hold the top three positions in the list of countries that control sub-groups of enterprises in Romania:

  • Germany (17.1%),
  • France (12.7%),
  • Italy (10.0%).

By the share of employee number in the total multinational enterprise groups controlled from abroad:

  • Germany is predominant in:
    • manufacturing (9.5%),
    • wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (2.9%), and in the field o
    • „Professional, scientific and technical activities” (2.3%).
  • France, in:
    • manufacturing (6.2%)
    • wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (2.6%).
  • Italy dominates the manufacturing sector (6.4%).

19% (or 13,867) of all foreign multinational enterprise groups identified in Romania are controlled by foreign legal entities,

The rest of them (58,732) are groups controlled by foreign individuals.

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