
16 iulie, 2024


The long-term interest rate fell below zero in the Eurozone and dropped to only 0.28% on average at the EU level, half as compared to the previous month and a quarter compared to March 2019. No less than...
15 octombrie, 2019
Romania recorded the highest road deaths in the EU also last year, with 96 deaths per one million inhabitants in 2018, almost double the EU average (49 deaths per one million Europeans), according to the annual report of...
24 iunie, 2019
Romania’s economy climbed to 15th position within the European Union, according to data published by Eurostat on 2018 related to GDP expressed in euro (nominal values). After outpacing Greece in 2017, last year, we also surpassed another economy...
22 aprilie, 2019
2017 was an exceptional year for Romanian companies system in terms of profitability and registered a general margin of 8%. Statistics also show that the profitability margin of foreign-owned companies is close to half the margin declared by...
8 aprilie, 2019
Projects in Romania have received funding of a total of EUR 676 million from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (FEIS), according to a report released on Thursday by the European Commission’s Representation. These FEIS projects would generate...
24 martie, 2019
Unlike the vast majority of the economic areas, in which we are at the bottom of the European ranking, Romania succeeded to rank 7th by an important indicator for the competitiveness, sustainable development, and environmental protection: the share...
1 octombrie, 2018
Romania climbed last year on the penultimate position among the EU member states in terms of the productivity of resources in the economy, after Bulgaria, according to data released by Eurostat. The score of the duel between European...
17 septembrie, 2018
The price level in Romania stood at 52% of the EU average in 2017, according to data provided by Eurostat for 2017 on the relative cost of goods and services in the member countries. This level placed us...
2 iulie, 2018
  Romania’s economy ranks 16th in the European Union and represents 1.23% of the EU economy, according to the data published by Eurostat for 2017, on GDP expressed in euro (nominal values). We have surpassed Greece, and Portugal...
14 mai, 2018
Romanian businesses control only 6.8% of the 78,181 groups of companies in Romania. There have been 78,181 groups of enterprises identified, out of which 5,311 are resident groups and 72,870 multinational groups, according to the data of the...
7 mai, 2018
Seven countries concentrate 99% of the deficit that Romania registered in foreign trade exchanges in 2017 – according to provisional data published by the National Institute of Statistics. Surprisingly, while China ranks first, as expected, Hungary holds the...
2 aprilie, 2018
Following the systematic increases in recent years and the transfer of contributions from the employer to the employee, Romania has surpassed Lithuania in terms of minimum gross wage and went up to the 18th position out of 28...
5 martie, 2018
The Inclusive Development Index (IDI) makes an annual assessment of 103 countries, which, besides GDP, considers 12 elements of the economic growth, based on three main pillars: growth and development, social inclusion and equity between generations, sustainability in...
5 februarie, 2018
There are 1.8 million children in Romania at risk of poverty and social exclusion, according to the Eurostat statistics. As a percentage, about half of the minor children were in this situation (49.2% of the total number of...
27 noiembrie, 2017
In more than half of Romania’s counties, the state has at least one representative among the top two employers at the county level. Usually, it is the county hospital or, in poor counties, the social assistance directorates. There...
12 noiembrie, 2017
Romania ranks 45th in the Doing Business 2018 ranking by the World Bank (WB), with a total score of 72.87 points, right under the Republic of Moldova (44th position). Although Romania’s overall score this year is 0.17 points...
6 noiembrie, 2017
The World Economic Forum has published a new Global Competitiveness Report, where Romania ranks 68th among the 138 countries that have been subject of the research. Compared to the previous report, Romania went down 6 positions in the...
30 octombrie, 2017
The concentration of the economic activity in increasingly fewer large companies, their distribution in the territory and the capitalization problems of most Romanian firms are all Romania’s vulnerabilities to external shocks and competition. Analysts’ warnings, supported by worrying...
2 octombrie, 2017
London Stock Exchange (LSE) analysts have identified ten Romanian companies among the 1,000 small and mid-sized firms in Europe that can inspire the others with the recipe of their success. The activities of the ten Romanian companies provide...
17 septembrie, 2017
  Romania ranked fourth in the EU in 2016 by the proportion of young people (20-34) who are neither employed nor included in a form of education, with the percentage of 23.5%, according to the data provided by...
28 august, 2017


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