
16 iulie, 2024


The share of direct investment (FDI) made by French companies in the Romanian industry fell from 56% of total French FDI in 2007 to 46% in 2014 and stabilized compared to the year of the global financial crisis,...
28 august, 2017
Evolution of BET-TR since the beginning of the year The Romanian capital market had the highest growth among all 23 countries in the portfolio of the MSCI Frontier Markets global index, according to an analysis by the Berenberg...
31 iulie, 2017
Romania ranks 54th in a global ranking of the complexity of financial and accounting regulations faced by foreign companies in another country. The last position (94) represents the lightest environment and is held by the Cayman Islands, according...
12 iunie, 2017
In Romania, Revolution 4.0 is postponed for now indefinitely. With a proportion of only 11 robots per 10,000 employees in the manufacturing industry, compared to the regional average of 60, our country is unacceptably late for the start....
22 mai, 2017
Statistics on the debt and saving capacity give a measure of the gap between developed and underdeveloped counties of Romania. The counties where the population and companies save more have, on average, the highest level of loans relative...
6 mai, 2017
The European Commission has published the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), 2017 edition, which shows that the only thing that Romania prides itself, namely the Internet speed, is not enough for our country to move from the...
19 martie, 2017
Romania ranks second in the ranking of families from the European Union who spend more than 40% of their income on home utilities (electricity, gas, heating, water and sanitation). Almost 16% of the families from Romania exceed the...
12 martie, 2017
Romania ranks the second-to-last among EU member states in terms of number of enterprises rapidly growing (see the definition below), with a share of only 2.3%, four times lower than the European average. In these businesses, there are...
2 noiembrie, 2016
Romania ranks 32th among 61 countries surveyed in mid-2016, right after Poland and South Africa, but before Mexico and Bosnia-Herzegovina in terms of quality of life, according to website. The criteria analysed included the purchasing power, the...
26 octombrie, 2016


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