
16 iulie, 2024


The implementation of the consolidated budget in the first five months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 38.8 billion (3.59% of GDP), of which almost half was generated by “the amounts left in the economic environment through...
28 iunie, 2020
The general consolidated budget registered for the first four months of the current year a deficit of almost RON27 billion, equivalent to 2.48% of GDP estimated for the current year after taking into account the effects of the...
1 iunie, 2020
Relatively recently joined the functional market economies club, although it has multiple pending development (not just economic) issues, Romania looked around and chose a poisonous mix of reduced incomes in terms of GDP share, specific to the Anglo-Saxon...
20 mai, 2019
The general consolidated budget recorded, after the first two months of 2019, a deficit of about RON 5.5 billion, equivalent to 0.54% of the GDP estimated for the current year. This result is weaker than in the same...
6 mai, 2019
The general consolidated budget ended the first month of 2019 with a surplus of RON 717 million or 0.07% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data published by the Ministry of Finance. The result...
3 martie, 2019
The Fiscal Council announced on Wednesday, the day when the Government adopted the draft budget amendment without the opinion from CSAT, that it considers the proposed increase in the VAT revenues included in the updated budget amendment (solely...
9 septembrie, 2018
The consolidated budget ended the first two months of 2018 with a deficit of 0.59% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to the data released by the Ministry of Finance. It is for the first...
2 aprilie, 2018
From the growth in profits of energy companies and banks to decreases in other industries, companies’ preliminary financial results in 2017 express the contradictory developments in the economy, according to the reports that companies submitted to the Bucharest...
26 februarie, 2018
The foreign direct investment (FDI) balance in the Romanian economy reached EUR 70,113 million last year, equivalent to slightly more than 41% of the annual GDP. Centralized data, published by the National Bank of Romania show that 70%...
9 octombrie, 2017
The consolidated general budget ended the first four months of 2017 with a small surplus of 0.17% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance. Compared to the same...
4 iunie, 2017
The tensions hidden by Romania’s economic growth in 2016 (4.8%) are visible in the results of the 20 largest Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), according to their data reported to the stock exchange. The...
27 februarie, 2017
The great undertaking of the 2017 budget execution has been launched, with the presumption of 50 basis points decrease in the current revenues, according to the data from the Ministry of Finance website. Almost the whole increase of...
12 februarie, 2017
The Fiscal Council released on Friday its opinion regarding the Law on the state budget, the Law on the state social insurance budget for 2017 and the Fiscal-Budgetary Strategy for 2017 -2019, warning on „a high probability for...
5 februarie, 2017
PSD Chairman Liviu Dragnea announced on Sunday evening at Romania TV that „it is very likely” to initiate an inquiry parliamentary commission before which former members of Ciolos government to be called to give explanations about the fact...
11 ianuarie, 2017
During the time since joining the European Union, dividends distributed to foreign investors exceeded EUR 20 billion and interest paid on loans to their local enterprises from Romania have also brought them about EUR 6.5 billion. In almost...
3 ianuarie, 2017
  The ratio between the standard income obtained by a farm from the Netherlands and a farm from Romania is 92 to 1, according to the Eurostat data. They would have an average of 303,760 euros, while we...
31 decembrie, 2016


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