
16 iulie, 2024

purchasing power

National gross average salary income for November 2018 was RON 4,658, 2.8% more than in the previous month, according to INS data. National nominal net average income increased by 2.6% to 2,792 lei, reaching the RON 600 threshold...
21 ianuarie, 2019
The average gross wage announced by the INS for May 2018 was 4,512 lei, 0.4% lower than in the previous month. Net nominal average wage decreased by 0.3% and reached 2,704 lei, exactly the same as in March....
21 iulie, 2018
The price level in Romania stood at 52% of the EU average in 2017, according to data provided by Eurostat for 2017 on the relative cost of goods and services in the member countries. This level placed us...
2 iulie, 2018
  The national gross average salary announced by the INS for March 2018 was 4,488 lei, 8.7% higher than in the previous month. Net nominal average salary increased at the same pace and reached 2,704 lei not only...
14 mai, 2018
The average gross salary earning announced by the INS for February 2018 was 4,128 lei, 0.4% lower than in the previous month. Paradoxically, the net average nominal salary earning increased slightly (+ 0.1%) to 2,487 lei, due to...
16 aprilie, 2018
The national gross average wage announced by the INS for January 2018 was 4,143 lei, a value that cannot be compared with the previous month because contributions have been moved from the employer to the employee. The corresponding...
19 martie, 2018
  When publishing the data on wage levels and purchasing power in the EU member states, Eurostat also implicitly offered the first estimates of the relative price levels in these countries. Somehow surprisingly, Romania displays a level of...
5 martie, 2018
Following the systematic increases in recent years and the transfer of contributions from the employer to the employee, Romania has surpassed Lithuania in terms of minimum gross wage and went up to the 18th position out of 28...
5 martie, 2018
BNR made a thorough analysis of Romania’s status in terms of real convergence with Western economies. A precondition for adopting the euro, in line with the treaty signed at the moment of the EU accession. Here are the...
4 decembrie, 2017
The average gross salary announced by INS for August 2017 was 3,290 lei, by 1.2% higher than in the previous month. The net average wage was 2,364 lei, or 514 euros at the average exchange rate of September...
16 octombrie, 2017
UNSUSTAINABLE: Purchasing power increase, triple compared to GDP growth! The purchasing power of wages reached the threshold of 180% in July 2017 compared to the reference set for October 1990 (last month before price liberalization). In the first...
9 octombrie, 2017
According to the data provided by INS, Romania registered a 0.32% increase in prices in July 2017 compared to the previous month, the highest level in the last nine months. By aggregating with the unfavourable base effect (prices...
28 august, 2017
* Dynamics of turnover in retail sector in 2017 * The turnover growth rate of the retail units in Romania will be of 10% this year, far above the average of 1.5% in the EU countries and five...
25 iunie, 2017
The average gross national wage announced by the INS for March 2017 was 3,256 lei, 4.8% up compared to the previous month. The average net national wage was 2,342 lei (+ 4,7% compared to February 2017), meaning 517...
14 mai, 2017
The gross average national wage announced by INS for February 2017 was 3,108 lei, by 1.9% below the previous month. The net average national wage was 2,236 lei (-2.8% compared to December 2017). Paradoxically, the gross wage decrease...
15 aprilie, 2017
  Romanians’ purchasing power returned to the benchmark set for October 1990 with the accession to the European Union. From a level of 93.5% in October 2006, this indicator climbed to 109.6% in October 2007 and exceeded the...
4 ianuarie, 2017
Eurostat has published an analysis of the price levels in the European countries that allows comparisons regarding the purchasing power and shows where we are compared to our colleagues from the EU. To calculate the coefficients that allow...
19 decembrie, 2016
The average net earning announced by INS for October 2016 was 2,108 lei, 14 lei or 0.7% higher than the previous month. Expressed in the single European currency, the average net wage was 467 euros or 942 euros,...
14 decembrie, 2016
The average net salary announced by the National Institute of Statistics on Monday, for September 2016, was 2,094 lei, 18 lei or almost one percent higher than in the previous month. Expressed in the European single currency, the...
9 noiembrie, 2016
We start from the certainties in 2016 – when Romania will most likely have the highest economic growth among the EU states: INS announced an economic growth of 5% for the first half of the year. In absolute...
7 noiembrie, 2016


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