
16 iulie, 2024


The living standard in Romania increased significantly due to an accelerated wage convergence compared to the EU average and the stagnation in price convergence toward the same average – official data on the 2014-2017 period show. But this...
12 noiembrie, 2018
Industrial Production Price Index (IPPI) slightly declined to 5.86% in August 2018, but remained significantly above consumer price inflation as measured by CPI (5.06%). The manufacturing industry sets the tone across the economy (although it contributed only 23.6%...
8 octombrie, 2018
The price level in Romania stood at 52% of the EU average in 2017, according to data provided by Eurostat for 2017 on the relative cost of goods and services in the member countries. This level placed us...
2 iulie, 2018
More than half of the annual inflation rate in March 2018 (which went up to 4.95%) was the result of commodity and commodity price increases in the consumer basket which had prices administered or heavily influenced by indirect...
7 mai, 2018
In the first month of the year, prices were higher by 2.66% compared to 2015, according to the data published by INS in the middle of this month in the statistical bulletin 1/2018. According to the harmonized European...
26 martie, 2018
  When publishing the data on wage levels and purchasing power in the EU member states, Eurostat also implicitly offered the first estimates of the relative price levels in these countries. Somehow surprisingly, Romania displays a level of...
5 martie, 2018
Romania recorded a 0.78% price increase in the first month of the year compared to the previous month, which led to an inflation rate of 4.32% at the beginning of 2018. The average inflation rate of the last...
18 februarie, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) revised the annual inflation rate (CPI) forecast at the end of 2018, from 3.2% to 3.5%, and projected a level of 3.1% for December 2019. And the estimates for the first two...
12 februarie, 2018
The largest share of taxes in the natural gas price structure for households has been recorded in Denmark (55% of the price), the Netherlands (53%), Romania (47%) and Sweden (44%) in the first half of this year, according...
4 decembrie, 2017
The Competition Council started an analysis, following the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, to establish the causes of the accelerated food price increase this month. One of the possible reasons is the increase in the budget deficit,...
27 noiembrie, 2017
According to the data provided by INS, Romania recorded a 1.28% increase in prices in October 2017 compared to the previous month, the highest increase in the last five years (a similar value has not been registered since...
12 noiembrie, 2017
The ratio between the net revenues coming as direct investment in the country and the (chronically negative) current account of Romania’s balance of payments has deteriorated rapidly over the past three years and is heading to values that...
11 septembrie, 2017
The waves caused by the political dispute covered the economic asperities that appear increasingly clearly on the horizon and have now reached the moment of the radical trend change. The estimate made by the BNR specialists sees an...
3 iulie, 2017
Seven or eight energy traders generated total losses of 440 million lei to the suppliers of last resort and the network operators, losses that will be recovered in court, stated Niculae Havrilet, President of the Romanian Energy Regulatory...
13 martie, 2017
The Competition Council has launched a sectoral investigation on the fuel market, to analyse why the prices in Romania are above the EU average, said Monday the President of the Competition Council, Bogdan Chiritoiu (foto), in a conference...
22 februarie, 2017
The Ministry of Health has launched to public debate a government decision draft to amend the calculation methodology and the endorsement/approval procedure for the maximal prices of medicines. The draft decision relaunches, on the one hand, the issue...
12 februarie, 2017
Eurostat has published an analysis of the price levels in the European countries that allows comparisons regarding the purchasing power and shows where we are compared to our colleagues from the EU. To calculate the coefficients that allow...
19 decembrie, 2016


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