
27 iulie, 2024


The long-term interest rate fell below zero in the Eurozone and dropped to only 0.28% on average at the EU level, half as compared to the previous month and a quarter compared to March 2019. No less than...
15 octombrie, 2019
The Government’s agenda for Wednesday also includes the draft decision to increase the foreign loans ceiling for 2019 and 2020 by EUR 4 billion, up to 31 billion, given that the previous ceiling has already been reached. The...
12 mai, 2019
The Ministry of Public Finance published Tuesday evening, a day and a half before the approval in the Government, the draft OUG that amends the „Greed Ordinance” issued in December 2018 without a public consultation and an impact...
31 martie, 2019
BNR Board of Directors has adopted the new lending terms for individuals, according to which the maximum level of indebtedness will be 40% of the net income for loans in RON and 20% for loans in foreign currency,...
22 octombrie, 2018
The total volume of loans planned by the Ministry of Finance (MFP) for 2018 amounts to about RON 74 billion. Loans are to be secured by government bonds, not by „contracting any loan from international financial institutions or...
29 ianuarie, 2018
The BNR will impose restrictions on credits to the population, to anticipate potential non-payment risks. This could happen in March if the project is approved by the National Committee for Macro-Prudential Supervision. We could see increases in interest...
21 ianuarie, 2018
After entering the negative range at the mid of 2017, the remuneration of deposits at commercial banks reached a worrying -2.23% per year, according to the data published in monthly BNR bulletin 11 / 2016. It is an...
15 ianuarie, 2018
Romanian companies missed the opportunity window in recent years, of financing at low interest rates. They considered this opportunity only in the second half of 2016, that is, when it began to fade out. The revival of the...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The fear of future interest rate increases makes most entrepreneurs wish to reduce their indebtedness, according to the survey of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) on the access to financing. The proportion of entrepreneurs who want to...
27 decembrie, 2017
The national energy system operator, Transelectrica, a state-owned company operating the National Energy System (SEN), tells shareholders that the distribution of additional ROL 171 million required by the Government will force the company to contract mid and long-term...
25 septembrie, 2017
Despite the recent fiscal relaxation, the biggest problem for Romanian companies remains the (high and unpredictable) taxation and not the access to financing, according to the June edition of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Survey on the...
2 iulie, 2017
The non-government credit has increased by 2.1% (1.9% in real terms) to 219.8 billion lei in February 2017, compared to 29 February 2016, according to the monetary indicators published Thursday by the National Bank of Romania (BNR). The...
27 martie, 2017
The number of notifications registered under the Law on debt to equity swap reached to 7,000 at the end of February, representing total loans amounting to 2 billion lei, stated Wednesday Liviu Voinea, Deputy Governor of the National...
20 martie, 2017
The tensions hidden by Romania’s economic growth in 2016 (4.8%) are visible in the results of the 20 largest Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), according to their data reported to the stock exchange. The...
27 februarie, 2017
During the time since joining the European Union, dividends distributed to foreign investors exceeded EUR 20 billion and interest paid on loans to their local enterprises from Romania have also brought them about EUR 6.5 billion. In almost...
3 ianuarie, 2017
Romania is the EU country where house prices fell the most in real terms compared to 2008, according to data presented by Eurostat. The decrease to just 46% in the selling price of housing in 2015 compared to...
19 octombrie, 2016


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