
26 iulie, 2024


Anul trecut, România a beneficiat de transferuri de 3,7 miliarde de euro din partea persoanelor care nu își au reședința în UE (transferuri personale), cea mai mare sumă la nivelul UE. Cea mai mare parte a transferurilor personale...
12 noiembrie, 2020
Romania was among the least affected EU member states in Q2 2020 in terms of temporary layoffs, reduced working hours or job losses, according to the analysis published by Eurostat. The consequences of Covid19 pandemic varied significantly from...
1 noiembrie, 2020
Rata infracționalității din România este mai redusă decât în multe state dezvoltate din Uniunea Europeană, cum ar fi Olanda, Franța, Germania sau Belgia, după cum reiese din datele prezentate luni de Eurostat. Cu toate astea, doar 40% din...
21 septembrie, 2020
Some facts – or what we call “Hypothesis” in Mathematics  *  What EU is in the global economic and technological competition *  The sex of angels and its social regulation  *  A new ideology for destructuring the European...
17 iulie, 2020
The European Commission is doubling its efforts to show that Europe has learned the lessons of the past and will avoid now, after the „Great Isolation”, the mistakes made during the „Great Recession”. According to Euractiv, proposals to...
7 iunie, 2020
Almost 600,000 Romanian children and young people aged between 0 and 19 years, that is 12.6% of the total Romanian people in this age group, were living in 2018 in other EU member states. Romania ranks first in...
19 ianuarie, 2020
Romania ranks fourth among the EU member states in terms of foreign-controlled enterprises’ added value share in the national economy, according to a recently concluded analysis published by Eurostat. With a level of 44%, we are right behind...
15 aprilie, 2019
  Romania ranks second to last among EU states in terms of national gross minimum wage, according to data published by Eurostat, at a level of EUR 446. Bulgaria (EUR 286) and Latvia (EUR 430) are behind us...
11 februarie, 2019
Romania is clearly distinguishing itself within the EU in terms of current account deficit evolution, with the second highest current account deficit in 2017 and a steady upward trend since 2014, according to data updated by Eurostat in...
28 ianuarie, 2019
According to Eurostat, Romania ranked in 2018 among lagging countries that use robots in industrial processes or in services, with a proportion of 3% of companies, along with Estonia, Greece, Lithuania and Hungary. The smallest percentage, less relevant...
28 ianuarie, 2019
Romania ranked penultimate among EU member states in 2017 in terms of budget revenues share of GDP, according to Eurostat data. With only 25.8%, our country had a share above only Ireland (23.5%), but in the context that...
10 decembrie, 2018
According to Eurostat, Romania observed 13 of the 14 indicators set for the scoreboard of the macroeconomic situation in the EU member states last year. The other countries that have reached this level of compliance were Poland, Sweden,...
27 noiembrie, 2018
Romania insists on staying on the penultimate position among the European Union member states in terms of R & D expenditure in 2017, according to data published by Eurostat. With just 0.5% of GDP, slightly higher than in...
27 noiembrie, 2018
The living standard in Romania increased significantly due to an accelerated wage convergence compared to the EU average and the stagnation in price convergence toward the same average – official data on the 2014-2017 period show. But this...
12 noiembrie, 2018
Eurostat has published the most recent data of EU member states on median net income by household. Romania ranks last in 2017, with only EUR 2,742, much behind Bulgaria (EUR 3,588) and at a far distance from the...
5 noiembrie, 2018
According to OECD data, net pension wealth in Romania (calculated for 2016) was 8.3, a value significantly below the average of 12.3 recorded at the EU level but on a par with Ireland (with which we also share...
5 noiembrie, 2018
After a successful public finance adjustment before the colleagues within the Eastern bloc, Romania went back significantly toward the budget deficit threshold despite the steady economic growth in the last two years (-2.9% in 2016 and 2017, after...
29 octombrie, 2018
  The last Eurobarometer of the European Parliament, published in September, shows that 49% of Romanians consider that EU membership is a good thing. Compared to the previous April survey, the percentage drops by 10 points, which is...
22 octombrie, 2018
Data published by Eurostat show that Romania recorded the second highest annual growth rate in imports of non-EU chemicals from 2007 to 2017 (13.1% per year, right after Ireland, with 13.2%, but Ireland had a surplus of EUR...
15 octombrie, 2018
Unlike the vast majority of the economic areas, in which we are at the bottom of the European ranking, Romania succeeded to rank 7th by an important indicator for the competitiveness, sustainable development, and environmental protection: the share...
1 octombrie, 2018


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