
16 iulie, 2024


The Fiscal Council published a preliminary opinion on the 2018 draft state budget on Wednesday, stating that this draft remains within the already traditional pro-cyclical fiscal policy, leading to deepening the deviation from the medium-term objective, in contradiction...
11 decembrie, 2017
According to data released by the Ministry of Finance, Romania received only EUR 3.05 billion in the first three quarters of 2017, of which EUR 3.04 billion for the 2014-2020 financial framework and the remaining EUR 9.67 million...
27 noiembrie, 2017
Mayors accepted on Tuesday in the negotiations with Prime Minister Mihai Tudose and several cabinet members, the promises made by the government officials to partially cover the losses caused by the income tax cut. The PSD-ALDE coalition has...
12 noiembrie, 2017
Romania ranks last among the EU member states by the share of public sector employees in the total workforce, according to data published by Eurostat for 2016. That, although we registered the highest increase in the percentage of...
6 noiembrie, 2017
We can hope that the measures announced by the Ministry of Finance in last week’s government meeting are still under debate. So, we shall formulate below a picture, not so much of the „little things” that every taxpayer...
6 noiembrie, 2017
Prime Minister Tudose announced on Thursday that the split VAT measure will apply only to companies with problems: A fair decision: not the split payment would have solved the (VERY BIG) problem of the VAT in Romania.
22 octombrie, 2017
  Romania ranks first in the EU by labour cost increase in the second quarter of 2017, at a high distance from the following states, with no less than + 18.6% for the entire economy, according to a...
25 septembrie, 2017
The discussion on transferring wage contributions, which under the current system are partly paid by the employee and partly by the employer, fully to the employee’s responsibility has much wider connotations and little publicly discussed. Let’s just give...
25 septembrie, 2017
The national energy system operator, Transelectrica, a state-owned company operating the National Energy System (SEN), tells shareholders that the distribution of additional ROL 171 million required by the Government will force the company to contract mid and long-term...
25 septembrie, 2017
The situation of the salary rights in the Ministry of National Defence was the one that officially caused the resignation of Minister Adrian Tutuianu. Blocked in the controversy of financial resources available for paying the military wages, various...
17 septembrie, 2017
Finance Minister Ionut Misa presented on Friday some elements of the budget rectification, to be approved by the Government by end of September. According to the Finance Minister’s statements, the rectification would be positive (+ 0.04%), as the...
11 septembrie, 2017
The deficit of the Nc (FNUASS) reached a record high of ROL 1.564 billion at the end of July, according to the budget implementation in the first seven months. Not because the amounts collected in the main revenue...
11 septembrie, 2017
  The Common Agricultural Policy was beneficial to Romanian agriculture. The problem is that too few Romanian farmers have managed to grow enough to not suffer if the system changes Only one thing was working well in Romania...
10 iulie, 2017
Sociologist Alin Teodorescu told at the „In front of you” TV show at Digi24 that the explanation for the large fortunes of some politicians lies in the law on non-personal bearer shares. The former PSD deputy also said...
10 iulie, 2017
The consolidated general budget ended the first five months of 2017 with a deficit of -0.27% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance. The balance of government finances...
3 iulie, 2017
The consolidated general budget ended the first four months of 2017 with a small surplus of 0.17% of the estimated GDP for the current year, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance. Compared to the same...
4 iunie, 2017
The Government has found a new source to finance the budget deficit, wages and maybe public investment. The profit obtained by the state companies and autonomous companies, not distributed in the previous years, will be assigned to „other...
2 aprilie, 2017
Although they will weigh heavily only after 2019, when the exit of the UK from the European Union will have effectively completed, the effects of Brexit on Romania, as on the other Central and Eastern European countries are...
27 martie, 2017
The IMF mission concluded Thursday a 7-day visit in Romania in the annual process of consultation under Article 4, after a small delegation came to Bucharest in January 2017 for a first contact with the new government team....
20 martie, 2017
Minister Viorel Stefan (foto) urged to keep the deficit under control. In the midst of the discussion about the increased salaries, government officials turn off the tap on funding. The Ministry of Finance officially announced Tuesday that it blocked...
9 martie, 2017


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