
16 iulie, 2024

natural gas

If delayed long after 2022, the investment in natural gas exploitation in the Romanian commercial area of ​​the Black Sea could become unprofitable. Also, not all reserves will be extracted anymore, according to the estimates of the National...
11 aprilie, 2021
Romgaz (SNG) will submit an offer to take over ExxonMobil’s participation in the concession for the exploitation of natural gas from Neptun Deep perimeter in the Black Sea, before the expiration of the current two-month term of the...
28 februarie, 2021
The progress in the development of Romanian infrastructure networks of utilities and roads is too slow compared to the needs and our neighbours’ progress, as shown only by the maps of these networks and cross-border interconnections. Major projects...
2 martie, 2020
Romgaz (SNG) announced the start of production in the deep area of Caragele deposit (Buzau), the biggest discovered in the last 30 years and one of the few new ones put into commercial service in the last period....
10 februarie, 2020
OMV Petrom (SNP) will sell another 50-60 perimeters from its portfolio of about 200, as most of the company’s investments focus on operating the Black Sea Neptune Deep perimeter, in partnership with American ExxonMobil. The company will „focus...
3 septembrie, 2018
The current pace of developing the natural gas system infrastructure exposes our country to the risk of long-term energy insecurity in case of some predictable adverse scenarios. The quantity available for consumption could decrease by 20% in 2020...
25 iunie, 2018
ExxonMobil and OMV Petrom will extract 6 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year from the Neptune block in the Black Sea. Romania will reach a natural gas production of 18-20 billion cubic meters by 2025 if...
26 februarie, 2018
The operator of the national natural gas pipeline Transgaz (TGN) and Eustream, its Slovak counterpart, signed a memorandum of understanding „to investigate the opportunities to develop Eastring in Romania and Slovakia,” according to a TGN report sent to...
18 februarie, 2018
The largest share of taxes in the natural gas price structure for households has been recorded in Denmark (55% of the price), the Netherlands (53%), Romania (47%) and Sweden (44%) in the first half of this year, according...
4 decembrie, 2017
Romania risks the infringement procedure if the Parliament adopts definitive amendments to the Emergency Ordinance 64/2017 on the natural gas market, which provides for the trading of 70% of its volume only on the state-controlled OPCOM market. The...
16 octombrie, 2017
Following the acknowledgment of the increased supply costs reported by distribution companies to the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, as of October 1, 2017, the natural gas price for household consumers would be about 6% higher and the price...
2 octombrie, 2017
The management team of the Romanian Commodities Exchange (BRM) launched on Wednesday a public call to PSD to reject what they called an „attempt to nationalize natural gas trading”, namely a proposal that would have been presumably initiated...
22 mai, 2017
Romania ranks second in the ranking of families from the European Union who spend more than 40% of their income on home utilities (electricity, gas, heating, water and sanitation). Almost 16% of the families from Romania exceed the...
12 martie, 2017
The management of the inter-ministerial committee in charge of drafting the legislation on royalties has been taken over by the Ministry of Economy from the Ministry of Finance (MFP) said on Wednesday Ionut Misa, Ministry of Finance State...
19 februarie, 2017
Russian companies have reached in November 2016 at a share of 25% of the Romanian gas market, up from only 5% in January. The mechanism that allowed that is complicated and it is hard to know today whether...
27 noiembrie, 2016
In the context of the significant drop in energy prices, our decision makers have been hesitant to act on that and from the position where we had by far the lowest price of natural gas for industry of...
24 noiembrie, 2016


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