
16 iulie, 2024


The intergovernmental agreement between the United States and Romania in the nuclear-civil cooperation field has received the European Commission’s approval, and Romania will start construction works for reactors 3 and 4 of Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, Prime Minister...
23 noiembrie, 2020
At the European level, there is an agreement to introduce a „modest” tax on disposable plastic, a first source of income to support the repayment of loans that the European Commission will contract for the formation of the...
3 august, 2020
The transition to a green economy needs to be supported by new, additional European funds, distinct from Romania’s allocations from the future EU multiannual budget. This is the line of negotiation adopted by MEP Siegfried Muresan in the...
26 ianuarie, 2020
(The map of investment financed through Juncker Plan, by GDP share. Darker colours mean higher shares) The operator of national natural gas pipelines, Transgaz (TGN) obtained 34.7% of the total financing of EUR 720 million approved for Romania...
23 septembrie, 2019
The Ministry of Public Finance announces that it has issued the methodological norms for the implementation of the Program for supporting small and medium-sized enterprises – IMM Invest Romania. The program encourages the development of SMEs by granting...
12 august, 2019
Projects in Romania have received funding of a total of EUR 676 million from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (FEIS), according to a report released on Thursday by the European Commission’s Representation. These FEIS projects would generate...
24 martie, 2019
Minister of Public Finance (MFP), Eugen Orlando Teodorovici, has ordered to stop borrowing operations on the market because MFF would have all the money needed in the treasury to ensure financing on at least six months. „Yesterday (Monday,...
4 februarie, 2019
The benchmark government bond yield jumped above the 5% threshold on Thursday. The Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) attracted RON 300 million from banks on Thursday at an average yield of 5.33% per year through a bond issue...
10 decembrie, 2018
Romania insists on staying on the penultimate position among the European Union member states in terms of R & D expenditure in 2017, according to data published by Eurostat. With just 0.5% of GDP, slightly higher than in...
27 noiembrie, 2018
The rise in interest rates and fees is becoming increasingly worrying for companies and maintains companies’ aversion to banking lending at high levels, according to the most recent semi-annual survey by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) on...
9 iulie, 2018
The World Bank’s Board of Directors has approved a new Country Partnership Framework (CPT) with Romania for a five-year period (2019-2023). The strategic lever of the World Bank Group’s role in achieving „high priority institutional reforms will be...
25 iunie, 2018
Although medium- and long-term foreign debt (DETML) has declined steadily over the last four years related to GDP, the amount paid for this debt has continued to increase, including as a percentage of GDP. The budget effort for...
18 iunie, 2018
Most of the Romanian companies’ investments are risky – because they use resources in the short term, they are oriented towards „what everyone does”, therefore they are out of phase in terms of profitability. Besides, Romanian companies’ investments...
26 martie, 2018
The Ministry of Finance is trying to take advantage of the still favourable conditions for emerging government securities and goes on the Eurobonds market with two issues, one with a maturity of 12 years and the second of...
5 februarie, 2018
Romanian companies missed the opportunity window in recent years, of financing at low interest rates. They considered this opportunity only in the second half of 2016, that is, when it began to fade out. The revival of the...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The concentration of the economic activity in increasingly fewer large companies, their distribution in the territory and the capitalization problems of most Romanian firms are all Romania’s vulnerabilities to external shocks and competition. Analysts’ warnings, supported by worrying...
2 octombrie, 2017
  Interest rates on the interbank market (ROBOR) recorded this week the fastest growth in the past three years after banks’ expectations have led to a decline in liquidity on the market. However, the temporary drop in liquidity...
2 octombrie, 2017
The national energy system operator, Transelectrica, a state-owned company operating the National Energy System (SEN), tells shareholders that the distribution of additional ROL 171 million required by the Government will force the company to contract mid and long-term...
25 septembrie, 2017
The draft law on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) provides for its exemption from the application of the laws on accelerating privatization, which also included the method of listing on the Bucharest Stock...
14 august, 2017
Despite the recent fiscal relaxation, the biggest problem for Romanian companies remains the (high and unpredictable) taxation and not the access to financing, according to the June edition of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Survey on the...
2 iulie, 2017


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