
16 iulie, 2024

European Commission

When it comes to the „VAT gap”, the Romanian Government and the European Commission have different views on the elements contributing to this indicator. Even different definitions. The difference between the Government’s approach and the Commission’s approach sets...
16 octombrie, 2017
Romania risks the infringement procedure if the Parliament adopts definitive amendments to the Emergency Ordinance 64/2017 on the natural gas market, which provides for the trading of 70% of its volume only on the state-controlled OPCOM market. The...
16 octombrie, 2017
Member states are trying to reach a consensus by October about the European Commission’s proposals to amend the European Directive on posted workers. Although it is a new subject dividing the European Union (Western Europe and the former...
25 septembrie, 2017
Commissioner Pierre Moscovici refines the debate launched by Jean-Claude Juncker The European Commission (EC) presented on Wednesday a reflection paper comprising some possible ways to follow for deepening the EU’s economic and monetary union, a release of the...
4 iunie, 2017
„The bad news is that the economy cannot grow sustainably by 5% based only on monetary, fiscal and salary stimuli,” said Valentin Lazea, Chief Economist of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), quoted by Agerpres. There might also...
29 mai, 2017
The European Commission (EC) revised downward the estimate of Romania’s economic growth in 2017, to 4.3%, according to the spring economic forecast released on Thursday. The winter forecast showed a GDP growth of 4.4%. The growth estimate for...
15 mai, 2017
Sacrificing investment in the budget execution of the first two months of the year brings the analysis of the „2017 Country Report – Romania”, issued by the European Commission (EC), back to the forefront. Thus, Romanians’ welfare must...
9 aprilie, 2017
The IMF mission concluded Thursday a 7-day visit in Romania in the annual process of consultation under Article 4, after a small delegation came to Bucharest in January 2017 for a first contact with the new government team....
20 martie, 2017
The European Commission has published the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), 2017 edition, which shows that the only thing that Romania prides itself, namely the Internet speed, is not enough for our country to move from the...
19 martie, 2017
Foto: Valdis Dombrovskis (left) and Pierre Moscovici The Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis and the Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici sent the Minister of Finance, Viorel Stefan, a letter stating that by the...
5 martie, 2017
  The European Commission (EC) shows in the 2017 country report on Romania that, by reversing the consolidation trend, the fiscal policy turned pro-cyclical in 2016 and the deficit is widening. Driven by significant tax cuts and expenditure...
27 februarie, 2017
Despite Romania’s progress in implementing the recommendations of the European Commission (EC), „the structural challenges may dampen the medium-term outlook,” mentions the report on Romania. The report is part of the „winter package” of assessments published Wednesday by...
25 februarie, 2017
The European Commission started on Wednesday the infringement procedure against Romania and Hungary on the matter of retail of agricultural and food products. More specifically, it is about breaching of EU law by adopting national laws that force hypermarkets...
20 februarie, 2017
The European Commission has decided to bring Romania in The Court of Justice of the European Union because the country has not closed and rehabilitated 68 illegal landfills, despite the warnings and repeated demands to comply with Directive...
20 februarie, 2017
Romania suffers from applying the environmental requirements agreed at the EU level, even when the Romanian legislation reflects them „accurately”, according to The EU Environmental Implementation Review, a report by the European Commission (EC) on the application of...
12 februarie, 2017
The budget draft prepared by the Ministry of Finance is based on an economic growth of over 4% and a budget deficit below 3% – figures were announced Sunday by Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos (foto) at Digi 24....
5 decembrie, 2016


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