

12 octombrie, 2024


European Commission

The Ministry of Finance asked the European Commission that returning to the 3% of GDP deficit target should occur over a period of 7 years and Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Tuesday that Romania would sign an...
22 iulie, 2024
National Bank of Moldova (NBM) governor, Anca Dragu, stated in an interview for Agerpres that the Republic of Moldova has become one of the favorite destinations of foreign investors, in the context of joining the EU. “Those who...
21 martie, 2024
Romania’s GDP will increase by 3.8% in 2021 and 4% in 2022, respectively, according to the winter economic forecasts, published on Thursday by the European Commission. Inflation in Romania would be 2.6% this year and 2.4% next year....
14 februarie, 2021
According to March 2020 data, the EC Convergence Report for Romania points out that the long-term interest rate for convergence purposes was 1.5 percentage points above the benchmark of 2.9% obtained based on the average of 0.9% recorded...
22 iunie, 2020
On Tuesday, the European Commission presented a series of policy recommendations on how Europe can shape its future within an increasingly uncertain and multipolar world. The recommendations outline the objectives that should be part of the EU’s strategic...
6 mai, 2019
Minister Eugen Teodorovici is pressured by the EU to reduce the budget deficit After finding that the Government has done nothing to adjust the deviation from the structural budget deficit, the European Commission now asks Romania for an...
27 noiembrie, 2018
Romania has to recover illegal state aid worth EUR 60 million granted to Compexul Energetic Hunedoara, announced the European Commission with a statement released on Thursday. The amount represents four public loans and the related interest, out of...
12 noiembrie, 2018
The Senate adopted on Thursday the draft amending Law 94/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Court of Auditors, which contains amendments that could freeze all payments for European funded projects in the current budgetary year –...
9 iulie, 2018
The Senate, under its role as the decision-making chamber, in this case, will discuss in plenary amendments to Law 94/1992 on the functioning and organization of the Court of Auditors. If senators keep the amendments approved by deputies,...
25 iunie, 2018
Calin Popescu Tariceanu (foto) delivered a very tough speech on Friday, in the Senate, addressed to the European Commission, which he accused of encouraging the „parallel state” in Romania. The attacks were made during the opening speech of...
18 iunie, 2018
The European Commission (EC) has selected five national or regional authorities from Greece, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria and Croatia to be part of a pilot project aimed at strengthening governance and administrative capacity to manage European funds. The fact...
3 iunie, 2018
The European Union’s 2021-2027 multiannual budget proposal, presented on Wednesday by the European Commission, should not be accepted in this form by the Romanian Government because it provides for a 5% cut in European funds for cohesion policy...
7 mai, 2018
European authorities are taking increasingly decisive steps towards tax harmonization of the 27 systems remained in the EU, but the new measures may have negative effects on the Romanian economy and society that could be caught unprepared. Especially...
16 aprilie, 2018
The European Commission sent on Tuesday a briefing to the European Parliament on the 2007 – 2013 Multiannual Financial Framework. According to the Commission’s data, the total European funds automatically decommitted from the previous financial framework amounts to...
26 martie, 2018
„In the absence of structural reforms and fiscal consolidation, Romania’s strong economic growth risks creating the conditions of a tough landing,” in case of a change of the economic cycle, according to the European Commission’s (EC) country report...
12 martie, 2018
First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans (photo), announced Thursday in Bucharest that he has established a direct communication line with the Parliament and Government leadership to eliminate any communication problems. „When they have the impression that...
5 martie, 2018
Romania needs to adopt a different economic model if it wants to avoid a crisis caused by the current consumption boom, according to Matteo Patrone, regional director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), quoted by...
5 februarie, 2018
The PSD-ALDE coalition’s amendments to the application of the corporate governance rules in the state-owned companies were approved by 157 votes in favour, 71 against and 4 abstentions on Wednesday, in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies,...
27 decembrie, 2017
The European Council issued on Tuesday a new recommendation, at the request of the European Commission, based on the significant deviation procedure, with Romania being warned to operate a correction of 0.8% of GDP, according to the European...
11 decembrie, 2017
The European Commission (EC) has determined that Romania has not taken efficient measures to „correct its significant deviation from the adjustment plan to achieve the mid-term budgetary objective” (the so-called MTO), according to the EC press release which...
27 noiembrie, 2017


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