
16 iulie, 2024


The administrative capping of energy prices through OUG 114/2018 contributed to a decrease of approximately 24% of the cumulative net profit of the largest electricity and natural gas producers, in 2019 compared to 2018, up to RON 3.7...
2 martie, 2020
The Ministry of Public Finance makes a „comparative analysis” of the Tax Code and the Tax Procedure Code with a view to applying a new fiscal framework as of January 1, 2019, according to the Finance Minister Eugen...
30 iulie, 2018
The Minister of Finance wants to increase the taxation of income for PFAs (self-employed person), which is now capped at the national minimum wage level. „An employee pays taxes on the amounts earned. Correct? Unfortunately, there is an...
26 februarie, 2018
  The Government adopted the Emergency Ordinance on amending the Tax Code and maintained all the provisions lately contested by the business community and trade unions. Among the most important are: the transfer of most of the social...
12 noiembrie, 2017
The Economic and Social Council, a consultative body of the Parliament and the Romanian Government, issued a negative opinion on Tudose cabinet’s draft amendment to the Tax Code, including the proposal to transfer social contributions from the employer...
6 noiembrie, 2017
  Romania has positioned itself in the EU as the country with the lowest public revenues as a share of GDP and we shall record in 2017 a new negative record in this respect, with only 30.5% of...
25 septembrie, 2017
Social contributions will be entirely transferred to the employee as of January 1, 2018 – the Ministry of Finance announces in a press release. Despite the controversies and hesitations of the authorities – which have calculated the salary...
31 iulie, 2017
In terms of tax framework, Romania attractive in the EU if we look at the tax rates but from the perspective of people who work, things are not favourable compared to the rest of Europe. The non-governmental think...
24 iulie, 2017
Romania’s seasonally adjusted budget deficit was 3.2% of GDP in the first quarter of 2017. It was the second highest budget deficit in the European Union (seasonally adjusted), after France, with 3.3%, the next being Poland with -1.5%...
24 iulie, 2017
Having summarised the state budget revenue and expenditure (BS), let us see how they integrate into the consolidated general budget (BGC), of which they represent about a half and where they add to the amounts from the local...
19 februarie, 2017
The great undertaking of the 2017 budget execution has been launched, with the presumption of 50 basis points decrease in the current revenues, according to the data from the Ministry of Finance website. Almost the whole increase of...
12 februarie, 2017
Between the deductions of tax on pension, criminalizing the abuse of office and partial application of democracy there is a material connection, as concrete as possible. And especially financially measurable. Based on the de facto connivance of two...
9 februarie, 2017
The Ministry of Economy and Energy is currently working on a new system of royalties, to allow investors’ access to a clear list of all resources in Romania, said Thursday the Minister of Economy, Alexandru Petrescu (foto), quoted...
27 ianuarie, 2017
Just appointed in office, Grindeanu government implemented the first social measures announced by PSD since the elections, among which the decision that employees will pay pension and healthcare contributions calculated for the total wage, as the current maximum...
11 ianuarie, 2017
The PSD-ALDE coalition submitted a government program to Parliament. It emerges from the document the current government’s intention to control most of the economy against the background of social tranquillity created by tax cuts, pension and salary increases....
6 ianuarie, 2017
Many of the economic promises from the government program that PSD launched during the election campaign repeat older themes from the collection of economic policies of the party that won the 2016 parliamentary elections. Given that most of...
14 decembrie, 2016
Eurostat records list Romania as the country with the lowest public revenue among the EU member states, except for the strictly circumstantial case of Ireland. With only 28% of GDP representing clear revenues from taxes, available for subsequent...
9 noiembrie, 2016

Document: Government amended Tax Code

  The Government adopted the Emergency Ordinance on amending the Tax Code and maintained all the provisions lately contested by the business community and trade

Document: Government amended Tax Code

  The Government adopted the Emergency Ordinance on amending the Tax Code and maintained all the provisions lately contested by the business community and trade


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