
18 iulie, 2024


Grupul Schweighofer, unul dintre liderii europeni în prelucrarea lemnului, a anunțat luni ”o schimbare de strategie”: vinde compania subsidiară Cascade Empire S.R.L. (Cascade Empire) precum și divizia de management forestier, Ocol Silvic Cascade Empire S.R.L., către compania suedeză...
26 martie, 2018
After it reached, two years ago, among top states that met most economic stability criteria imposed by the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure Scoreboard (MIPS), with 13 criteria reached, out of 14 (the net investment position could not be but...
26 martie, 2018
The European Commission sent on Tuesday a briefing to the European Parliament on the 2007 – 2013 Multiannual Financial Framework. According to the Commission’s data, the total European funds automatically decommitted from the previous financial framework amounts to...
26 martie, 2018
In the first month of the year, prices were higher by 2.66% compared to 2015, according to the data published by INS in the middle of this month in the statistical bulletin 1/2018. According to the harmonized European...
26 martie, 2018
Most of the Romanian companies’ investments are risky – because they use resources in the short term, they are oriented towards „what everyone does”, therefore they are out of phase in terms of profitability. Besides, Romanian companies’ investments...
26 martie, 2018
In Romania, only 3.5% of the young people from the 2015 class graduated from education sciences faculties, which confirms that fewer Romanians want to pursue a career in education. The European average is 9.3% of all graduates, with...
26 martie, 2018
The state has reached an agreement with Damen Shipyards Group after blocking for several months the takeover by Dutch company of Daewoo’s shares at Mangalia Shipyard, claiming that it wants to exercise its pre-emptive right. For the first...
26 martie, 2018
On Wednesday, the Government adopted an Ordinance aimed at establishing a commission for preparing the timetable for Romania’s accession to the single European currency. Prime Minister Dancila’s initiative was preceded by PSD President Liviu Dragnea, who said at...
26 martie, 2018
The President of the Constitutional Court (CCR) has communicated to the European Commission (EC) delegation the fact that „the Court plenary expressed its wish not to be involved in the program of the EC delegations in the MCV...
26 martie, 2018
Puncte cheie: Odată învestit cabinetul Merkel IV, după șase luni de negocieri și cu un vot chinuit de 51% în Bundestag, tandemul refăcut Macron-Merkel poate declanșa „refondarea” Uniunii Europene, așa cum îi place să spună noului star politic...
21 martie, 2018
Comisia Europeană a transmis marți seară Parlamentului European o informare privind Cadrul Financiar Multianual 2007 – 2013. Potrivit datelor Comisiei, suma totală a fondurilor europene dezangajate automat din precedentul cadru financiar se ridică la 4,4 miliarde de euro....
21 martie, 2018
În prima lună a anului, preţurile au fost mai mari cu 2,66% faţă de cele din anul 2015, potrivit datelor publicate de INS la mijlocul acestei luni în buletinul statistic de preţuri nr.1/2018. Astfel, România figurează, potrivit clasificării...
21 martie, 2018
După ce ajunsese în urmă cu doi ani să figureze în topul statelor care respectau cele mai multe criterii de stabilitate economică impuse prin tabloul de bord al indicatorilor relevanţi pentru starea economiilor UE ( Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure...
19 martie, 2018
Entrepreneurs and leaders of Romanian private companies are distrustful about the consumption-based economic growth model because it does not offer but a short-term perspective, according to the Romanian business environment winter Barometer published on Wednesday by EY Romania....
19 martie, 2018
According to data published by Eurostat, the living standard in the Bucharest-Ilfov region was 139% of the EU average in 2016, according to GDP per capita at the purchasing power parity standard (adjusted to the national price level)....
19 martie, 2018
According to the Eurostat data, in 2016 Romania ranked last but two among the EU states both in terms of share of GDP allocated to the health sector and percentage of GDP representing the public funds for education....
19 martie, 2018
The national gross average wage announced by the INS for January 2018 was 4,143 lei, a value that cannot be compared with the previous month because contributions have been moved from the employer to the employee. The corresponding...
19 martie, 2018
Romaero and American company Sikorsky, part of the Lockheed Martin group, have signed an industrial partnership agreement that will lead to the establishment of a regional centre for the endowment and maintenance of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk...
19 martie, 2018
Since the beginning of this year, three bags have appeared at the refuse disposal chute of the apartment block where I live. One black, another blue and the last, yellow. For plastic, glass or aluminium containers or waste...
19 martie, 2018
The Government approved on Thursday a memorandum that includes a series of measures targeting publicly owned or controlled companies. Basically, the document forces the state-owned companies to participate in public tenders organized by institutions and authorities funded by...
19 martie, 2018


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