
17 iulie, 2024


(NOTĂ: Textul de mai jos este editorialul din numărul 99 al CRONICILOR Curs de Guvernare. Ce sunt CRONICILE –  un LINK informativ AICI. Nr. 99 din CRONICI – cu un hint la sumar – un LINK AICI. (Redacția)  *** Altă...
13 februarie, 2019
Textul de mai jos e o înșiruire de fragmente din articolul ”Îți cer un singur lucru: dă Europa Rusiei”, apărut în revista – exclusiv print – CRONICILE Curs de Guvernare, în secțiunea ”Războiul timpurilor”. El reprezintă o selecție...
12 februarie, 2019
  Romania ranks second to last among EU states in terms of national gross minimum wage, according to data published by Eurostat, at a level of EUR 446. Bulgaria (EUR 286) and Latvia (EUR 430) are behind us...
11 februarie, 2019
Although at first glance it is difficult to draft them, Romania’s public budgets are, in fact, a series of indicators and lists of revenues and expenditures that are not going to have anything to do with the reality....
11 februarie, 2019
In the absence of a rapid response from the Romanian Government to the European Commission, there is a risk that Magurele Laser can no longer be completed during the current budget implementation, which will generate significant financial losses...
11 februarie, 2019
Textul de mai jos e o compilație de mici fragmente din interviul pe care Iulian Stanciu – CEO al e-mag – l-a acordat pentru numărul 99 al revistei (exclusiv print) CRONICILE Curs De Guvernare. Cum, de ce și cât...
7 februarie, 2019
România se plasează pe antepenultimul loc între statele ca nivel al salariului minim brut, potrivit datelor publicate de Eurostat, cu un nivel de 446 de euro. În urma noastră figurează Bulgaria (286 euro) şi Letonia (430 euro) iar...
4 februarie, 2019
ANAF’s new president, Mihaela Triculescu, handed over to the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis – CNSP the power to decide what companies are to be audited by tax authority’s inspectors on grounds that they pose a high...
4 februarie, 2019
Further to the message on the impact of OUG 114/2018 transmitted on Thursday to the organizations in the Coalition for Development of Romania (CDR), AmCham Romania sends on Friday an alarm signal on „the accelerated degradation of the...
4 februarie, 2019
The Energy Ministry announced on Friday that it gives the green light to the Black Sea oil projects. So far, no oil company has announced that it has made a final decision to invest in the Black Sea....
4 februarie, 2019
The tax on bank assets was not included in the 2019 draft budget, published on Thursday evening by the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP). According to internal documents of the institution, a series of steps have already been...
4 februarie, 2019
The National Bank of Romania wants a „loyal cooperation” with the Ministry of Public Finance, and that involves a prior consultation with the central bank when taking decisions that affect the monetary policy and financial stability of the...
4 februarie, 2019
Minister of Public Finance (MFP), Eugen Orlando Teodorovici, has ordered to stop borrowing operations on the market because MFF would have all the money needed in the treasury to ensure financing on at least six months. „Yesterday (Monday,...
4 februarie, 2019
Disputa privind suprataxarea sistemului bancar din România continuă, după ce guvernul nu a luat în calcul, la Bugetul pe anul 2019, veniturile din taxarea taxarea activelor. Luni, urmează și întâlnirea membrilor Comitetului Național pentru Suraveghere Macroprudențială, unde problema...
3 februarie, 2019
Italia permite joi intrarea în țară a 47 de migranți blocați timp de aproape 2 săptămâni pe o navă de salvare ancorată în apele teritoriale italiene. ”În câteva ore, migranții vor fi primiți pe țărm”, a anunțat premierul...
31 ianuarie, 2019
Romania is clearly distinguishing itself within the EU in terms of current account deficit evolution, with the second highest current account deficit in 2017 and a steady upward trend since 2014, according to data updated by Eurostat in...
28 ianuarie, 2019
The average euro exchange rate, calculated by the National Bank of Romania (BNR), suddenly climbed sharply to a new record level of 4.7569 RON / euro, 0.91% higher than on Tuesday, at the end of a day in...
28 ianuarie, 2019
  The opinion issued in December by the Legislative Council on Ordinance 114 (which establishes, among other things, the „tax on greed”) contains no less than 23 pages of comments and proposals and asks for amending the text....
28 ianuarie, 2019
According to Eurostat, Romania ranked in 2018 among lagging countries that use robots in industrial processes or in services, with a proportion of 3% of companies, along with Estonia, Greece, Lithuania and Hungary. The smallest percentage, less relevant...
28 ianuarie, 2019
The National Agency for Fiscal Administration has publicly announced the start of the „Iceberg” operation – a large fiscal control action targeting big companies operating in all economic fields in Romania. According to the press release issued by...
28 ianuarie, 2019


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