
27 iulie, 2024


The Minister of European Investment and Projects, Cristian Ghinea, states that „PNRR is not Santa’s investment list; it is also a list of assumed reforms followed by money„. The Ministry of European Investments and Projects announced on Thursday...
15 martie, 2021
The execution of the general consolidated budget in the first eight months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 54.77 billion (5.18% of GDP, an increase by half a percentage point of GDP compared to July), of which...
5 octombrie, 2020
The implementation of the consolidated budget in the first five months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 38.8 billion (3.59% of GDP), of which almost half was generated by “the amounts left in the economic environment through...
28 iunie, 2020
One of the major struggles regarding the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework refers to the level of cohesion funds to be allocated to member countries in the period 2021-2027. The reason why the matter is so important for...
24 februarie, 2020
Net subscriptions in Romanian mutual funds (the difference between invested and withdrawn amounts) became again positive in 2019 after they had been negative in 2018. Romanians invested from their savings by RON 1.897 billion more in mutual funds...
10 februarie, 2020
Although at first glance it is difficult to draft them, Romania’s public budgets are, in fact, a series of indicators and lists of revenues and expenditures that are not going to have anything to do with the reality....
11 februarie, 2019
Nearly half of public investment that burdens this year’s statistics have been made by the Ministry of National Defence (MApN), according to the detailed data on the budget implementation in nine and ten months. In the absence of...
19 noiembrie, 2018
The representatives of Ford Craiova met on Wednesday with mayors of 30 localities from Dolj county in order to stimulate the attraction of 1,700 new employees needed to increase production of EcoSport SUV model. Employments mainly target conveyor...
19 noiembrie, 2018
Nuclearelectrica (SNN) and Romgaz (SNG) have calculated the additional dividends to be paid to the state after the Ministry of Finance (MFP) sent to the big state-owned companies the measures they need to take to redistribute their reserves...
12 noiembrie, 2018
Global fiscal competition to attract economic activity has intensified, especially in the area of incentives granted to R&D activities, according to the EY Worldwide R&D Incentives Reference Guide. But Romania is not among the countries that place a...
24 septembrie, 2018
The current account of the balance of payments registered a deficit of EUR 2,053 million in the first four months of this year, about 15% over the same period of the previous year. The percentage was in decline...
18 iunie, 2018
Most of the Romanian companies’ investments are risky – because they use resources in the short term, they are oriented towards „what everyone does”, therefore they are out of phase in terms of profitability. Besides, Romanian companies’ investments...
26 martie, 2018
The national energy system operator, Transelectrica, a state-owned company operating the National Energy System (SEN), tells shareholders that the distribution of additional ROL 171 million required by the Government will force the company to contract mid and long-term...
25 septembrie, 2017
Photo caption: ELI-NP (image from the project) Magurele, a small town in the immediate vicinity of Bucharest, will soon house the largest laser in the world. Government and people hope that the town having about 10,000 inhabitants and...
13 noiembrie, 2016


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