
16 iulie, 2024


Romania’s economy will contract by 4.8% of GDP this year, according to the revised forecast of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a slightly more optimistic evolution than previously forecasted, of -5% of GDP, according to the World Economic...
19 octombrie, 2020
In this second article of the series dedicated to the analysis of the quantitative easing performed by the European Central Bank (ECB), we will focus on the second argument brought in favor of such a policy. An unsatisfactory...
9 octombrie, 2019
Dificultăţile Ministerului Finanţelor (MFP) de a acoperi deficitul bugetar în 2019 îi împing pe strategii bugetari ai guvernului să ridice metodele de completare ale veniturilor la rangul de soluţii fundamentale. Emisiunile de titluri de stat pentru populație şi...
4 februarie, 2019
The economic growth on the first three quarters of 2018 was 4.2%, both in gross series and the seasonally adjusted series, according to data published by the INS in the first provisional version, which confirms the signal data....
10 decembrie, 2018
Programul guvernamental „gROwth – Contul individual de economii Junior” intenţionează să-i atragă pe părinții care vor să economisească pentru copii cu o rețetă de depozit plus primă, potrivit unui document primit de Consiliul Economic și Social (CES) de...
23 octombrie, 2018
Government debt service for 2019 will surely exceed the 2018 level, according to the projection made by the Ministry of Finance based on the debt already contracted and the exchange rates on 31.03.2018. It would be RON 53,635.5...
2 iulie, 2018
  The national gross average salary announced by the INS for March 2018 was 4,488 lei, 8.7% higher than in the previous month. Net nominal average salary increased at the same pace and reached 2,704 lei not only...
14 mai, 2018
  Romania ranks first in the EU by labour cost increase in the second quarter of 2017, at a high distance from the following states, with no less than + 18.6% for the entire economy, according to a...
25 septembrie, 2017
* GDP growth before and after EU accession Source: World Bank * Romanians registered the largest advance of the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita among the Central and Eastern Europe countries in 2016, compared to 2003, even...
11 septembrie, 2017
According to the data provided by INS, Romania registered a 0.32% increase in prices in July 2017 compared to the previous month, the highest level in the last nine months. By aggregating with the unfavourable base effect (prices...
28 august, 2017
The waves caused by the political dispute covered the economic asperities that appear increasingly clearly on the horizon and have now reached the moment of the radical trend change. The estimate made by the BNR specialists sees an...
3 iulie, 2017
  * Romania’s quarterly gross GDP between 2000-2017 (seasonally adjusted data) Source: INS * The unexpectedly high GDP growth in the first quarter, at 5.7% y-o-y, induces analysts’ worries about its unsustainability, which has already caused a deterioration...
21 mai, 2017
Official statistics show that in 2008, when „the economy was roaring” more powerfully than now and there were plenty of foreign investments coming, the populist enthusiasm of the electoral campaign led to massive increases of pensions and salaries....
4 noiembrie, 2016
According to Eurostat, Romania is the EU champion in labor productivity’s growth percentage over the past decade, with a plus of 42%. We managed to outrun Lithuania (+ 36%), Slovakia (+ 34%), Poland (+ 31%) and Bulgaria (+...
20 octombrie, 2016
The National Institute of Statistics announced the final value of GDP for 2014 at 668,143.6 million lei, in current prices, representing a growth rate of 3.1% in real terms as compared to 2013. As compared to the semi-final...
13 octombrie, 2016
After analysing the signal data, the National Statistics Institute confirmed on Tuesday the economic growth of 5% in the first half of this year, as compared to the same period of the previous year (seasonally adjusted value for...
23 septembrie, 2016


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