
27 iulie, 2024


Eurostat made a comparison between three indicators used in establishing the standard of living in 36 European countries: GDP per capita and the level of Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) balanced by the relative level of prices. Thus, in 2023, Luxembourg...
23 iunie, 2024
The economy of the European Union recorded in the second quarter of 2019 the worst evolution of the last five years, with a quarterly increase reduced (for the first time) to only 0.2% and a growth in annual...
12 august, 2019
Romania announced its intention to join the Eurozone in 2024. Adoption of the single European currency is not optional but included in the Treaty of accession to the EU, and we are now in a derogation period until...
5 august, 2019
Wage increases should be based solely on productivity growth and be made „by market force”, not by politicians, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Mugur Isarescu (photo) said on Thursday in the opening of The...
29 octombrie, 2018
Romania does not endorse a separate budget for Eurozone and rejects the idea of taxing financial transactions, Minister of Public Finance Eugen Teodorovici said after a meeting with his peers from the European Socialists’ Party (PES) held in...
24 septembrie, 2018
„The report concluded that Romania currently meets one of the four economic criteria necessary for adopting the euro, namely the criterion related to public finances. Romania does not meet the criteria on price stability, exchange rate and long-term...
29 mai, 2018
Given that the talks on the Eurozone reform held by the governments of France and Germany seem to get to no result, a possible solution arises from the academic environment of the two states: 14 prestigious French and...
21 ianuarie, 2018
Romania recorded an annual inflation of 2.6% at the end of 2017, according to the data provided by Eurostat for all member states. We are therefore ranked fourth in terms of price increases, at a high distance from...
21 ianuarie, 2018
Romania scored at the end of the first quarter of 2017 not only the highest economic growth among the EU countries (5.7% gross and 5.6% adjusted by Eurostat to ensure the comparability with other states) but also the...
29 mai, 2017
The European Commission (EC) revised downward the estimate of Romania’s economic growth in 2017, to 4.3%, according to the spring economic forecast released on Thursday. The winter forecast showed a GDP growth of 4.4%. The growth estimate for...
15 mai, 2017
The average net earning announced by INS for October 2016 was 2,108 lei, 14 lei or 0.7% higher than the previous month. Expressed in the single European currency, the average net wage was 467 euros or 942 euros,...
14 decembrie, 2016
Romania ranks 15th among the trade partners of the Eurozone, far behind other countries that were part of the Eastern bloc, such as Poland (4th), the Czech Republic (6th) and Hungary (10th). The degree of integration into the...
27 noiembrie, 2016
Uniunea Europeană a înregistrat în februarie o rată-record a șomajului, de 10,9%, România, cu 6,7%, aflându-se pe locul șase între statele membre cu cel mai redus șomaj, potrivit datelor publicate marți de Eurostat. În UE 27, rata șomajului...
2 aprilie, 2013
Economia zonei euro a stagnat în primul trimestru, ca şi Produsul Intern Brut al UE, potrivit datelor prezentate marţi de Eurostat, surpriză plăcută pentru economişti şi pieţe, care anticipau intrarea blocului monetar în recesiune, relatează Reuters, citată de...
15 mai, 2012


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