
27 iulie, 2024


At the beginning of 2018, the number of companies in difficulty reached 51% of the total number of impact companies, which reversed for the first time the balance between healthy companies and companies in difficulty, according to a...
13 mai, 2019
Companies’ possibility to avoid paying creditors (and in particular the payment of tax receivables) simply by declaring their insolvency would be drastically limited, according to a draft emergency ordinance under preparation at the Ministry of Finance. Among amendments...
17 septembrie, 2018
Romania’s economy is becoming more and more vulnerable due to the increasing number of businesses that state no revenues, register losses and debts exceeding their paying capacity and propagate a toxic behaviour, tolerated by regulations and a lenient...
9 septembrie, 2018
The rise in interest rates and fees is becoming increasingly worrying for companies and maintains companies’ aversion to banking lending at high levels, according to the most recent semi-annual survey by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) on...
9 iulie, 2018
  The volume of government credit has increased about 10 times over the last 10 years, and the share in total banking investment in Romania has increased almost 5 times, according to data from the National Bank of...
2 iulie, 2018
The number of companies and authorized natural persons (PFA) which have declared insolvency increased by 19.31% in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017, to 2,305, according to data published on the website...
23 aprilie, 2018
Most of the Romanian companies’ investments are risky – because they use resources in the short term, they are oriented towards „what everyone does”, therefore they are out of phase in terms of profitability. Besides, Romanian companies’ investments...
26 martie, 2018
From the growth in profits of energy companies and banks to decreases in other industries, companies’ preliminary financial results in 2017 express the contradictory developments in the economy, according to the reports that companies submitted to the Bucharest...
26 februarie, 2018
Romanian companies missed the opportunity window in recent years, of financing at low interest rates. They considered this opportunity only in the second half of 2016, that is, when it began to fade out. The revival of the...
15 ianuarie, 2018
In more than half of Romania’s counties, the state has at least one representative among the top two employers at the county level. Usually, it is the county hospital or, in poor counties, the social assistance directorates. There...
12 noiembrie, 2017
The establishment of own companies by local administration to manage the services at the local level is worrying for the competition authority, Bogdan Chiritoiu, President of the Competition Council, said Wednesday, quoted by Digi24. At the beginning of...
12 noiembrie, 2017
Photo caption: Prime Minister Mihai Tudose publicly supports split VAT but the company in which he has declared interests does not support Mihai Tudose In the democracy, the power of example is a way often used by state...
16 octombrie, 2017
London Stock Exchange (LSE) analysts have identified ten Romanian companies among the 1,000 small and mid-sized firms in Europe that can inspire the others with the recipe of their success. The activities of the ten Romanian companies provide...
17 septembrie, 2017
The Romanian economy suffers from the same vulnerabilities as those of 2008 and, in addition, the notable differences are still negative, especially at the level of the companies, according to an analysis published on Tuesday by Iancu Guda,...
28 august, 2017
Romania ranks 54th in a global ranking of the complexity of financial and accounting regulations faced by foreign companies in another country. The last position (94) represents the lightest environment and is held by the Cayman Islands, according...
12 iunie, 2017
The tensions hidden by Romania’s economic growth in 2016 (4.8%) are visible in the results of the 20 largest Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), according to their data reported to the stock exchange. The...
27 februarie, 2017
The impact of the national minimum salary on the work productivity is negative – an increase of the minimum salary by 10% would have as result a decrease of the work productivity by 2.3%, according to a study...
8 decembrie, 2016
Business environment’s polarization seems to be one of the main problems of the Romanian economy. Iancu Guda, general manager of COFACE and chairman of the Association of Financial and Banking Analysts from Romania, has analysed this phenomenon at...
17 noiembrie, 2016


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